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2015 likely to be warmest on record 2015年可能成为史上最热年


据世界气象组织称, 2015 年全球温度与过去一年相比普遍高出许多, 2015 年很可能成为有记录以来最热的一年。以下是 Roger Harrabin 的报道。

The WMO says this five-year period has brought record heat to Asia, Europe, South America and Oceania and North America. This latest October was exceptionally warm.

The report says 2015 is likely to claim the title of the hottest year recorded, with annual surface temperatures partly fuelled by greenhouse gases and partly by the disruptive current El Nino.

Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere reached new highs. And in the northern hemisphere's spring, carbon dioxide levels crossed the threshold of 400 parts per million for the first time.

The report says more than half of the 79 studies published by the bulletin of the American Meteorological Society in the past five years found that man-made climate change had contributed to extreme weather events over the period. 


exceptionally 异常地
to claim 取得,获得
greenhouse gases 温室气体
disruptive 破坏性的
carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
threshold 临界值,界限
man-made climate change 由于人类活动引发的气候变化
extreme weather events 极端恶劣天气事件



1. What has caused the unusually high temperatures on the planet's surface?

2. Is 2015 certain to be the hottest year on record?

3. What example of a greenhouse gas is given?

4. True or false? The report says changes in climate are not only caused by nature.


1. What has caused the unusually high temperatures on the planet's surface?
Greenhouse gases and the disruptive current El Nino.

2. Is 2015 certain to be the hottest year on record?
No, 2015 is likely to be the hottest year on record.

3. What example of a greenhouse gas is given?
Carbon dioxide.

4. True or false? The report says changes in climate are not only caused by nature.
True. The report mentions studies published by the American Meteorological Society which found that man-made climate change had contributed to extreme weather events.

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