50个地道习语(4):“差点挂科”英文怎么说 <img src="/data/attachement/jpg/site1/20160310/0023ae82c89f184b6bbb26.jpg" border="0" />
中国日报网 2016-03-10 15:44
如果你赶公交,在车门关上的最后一秒挤上了车;如果你参加考试,最终分数差一分就会不及格……这些情况都可以用上一个短语:by the skin of your teeth。今天我们继续学习地道习语。
31. by the skin of your teeth 侥幸成功,勉强做成
I hadn’t studied much, but passed the test by the skin of my teeth.
32. comfort food (难过或焦虑时食用的)安慰食品,开心食品
Fat and sugar – the twin pillars of the best comfort food.
33. skeleton staff (企业或机构运转需要的)最基本的工作人员
The hospital has a skeleton staff at weekends.
34. baker's dozen 十三
We had a baker's dozen of eggs for fourteen of us at the time. How could we even them out?
35. let the chips fall where they may 随它去,不去管结果了
Kathy decided to risk her money on the investment, and let the chips fall where they may.
36. no-brainer 不费脑筋之事;容易处理的问题
That last test question was a complete no-brainer.
37. a stone's throw 很短的距离,掷石之遥
The cottage is just a stone's throw from the sea.
38. hear (sth) on/through the grapevine 从传闻中听说;通过道听途说获悉;听小道消息知道
I heard on the grapevine that he was leaving - is it true?
39. sit on the fence 骑墙观望,犹豫不决
You can't sit on the fence any longer - you have decide whose side you're on.
40. take sth with a pinch of salt 对…半信半疑,对…有所怀疑
You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, she does tend to exaggerate.
(中国日报网英语点津 杜娟)