“Good things come in small packages 好东西不在个大”是一个常用表达。人们常用这个说法来表示不能光从外表来判断一样东西的好坏或价值的高低,就像大盒子里可以装满便宜的毛巾,可是一个小小的盒子里却能放价值连城的金银珠宝。这句话也可以用来称赞身材娇小的人,虽然个不高,但是依然可以很有内涵或非常优秀。
Lily: I'm not happy with Dan. He only gave me this tiny box for my birthday.
莉莉: 我对 Dan 不是很满意。我生日那天,他只给了我一个很小的礼盒。
Sue: You shouldn’t get upset until you’ve seen what’s in it. Good things do come in small packages.
苏: 你先别生气,打开盒子看了再说。 好东西可不在于个大。
Freddy (9 year old boy): I hate being so short. My classmates are always teasing me.
弗雷迪 (9岁小男孩):我特别讨厌自己个子小。我的同学老笑话我。
Grandfather: You shouldn't. The best things come in small packages.