BBC Learning English 英语教学


Learning English: China Quizzes – Football: Images/Getty


1. There is an expression which is commonly used between players of the same team to warn that an opponent is approaching the ball carrier. What is it?

a) Coming up!

b) Man on!

c) Danger approaches!

d) Enemy near!

2. Though it originated in football, you could hear the expression ‘You’re on the ball’ at work or a number of other places. What does it mean?

a) You are the most important person in the situation at that time

b) You are stopping the game or situation from moving forward

c) You are awake, aware and quick to respond to things or come up with new ideas

d) You are the referee and the person responsible for making the rules in that situation

3. What is the expression use when one player scores three goals during the same game?

a) To score a triple

b) To score a tri-goal

c) To score a hat-trick

d) To score a turkey

4. The beginning of a football game is known as the kick off, but British slang has a second meaning for this phrasal verb. What is it?

a) To spend the whole day in front of the TV watching football

b) To suddenly and unexpectedly fall over, especially from a chair

c) To become angry or suddenly start a fight or argument

d) To use your leg to push a cup or bottle over the edge of a table

5. Football in the UK is organised into leagues. If someone is ‘out of your league’, what are they?

a) Coming from your place of origin

b) From a rival organisation or place

c) Inappropriate for you because they are either too good or not good enough

d) Having a different sport, hobby or interest to you

6. The word ‘kick’ can be used to make many phrasal verbs, but which one of these combinations is NOT possible?

a) Kick up

b) Kick about

c) Kick over

d) Kick in


1) b, 2) c, 3) c, 4) c, 5) c, 6) c.

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