Primates at risk and noodle art 灵长类动物灭绝危险,由方便面制成的艺术品
60% of world's primates at risk of extinction 世界60%灵长类动物将面临灭绝危险
Creating art in an instant 用方便面制成的艺术展品
Our closest biological relatives - but while the human population continues to grow, most of our fellow primates are now sliding towards extinction. This international team of scientists trawled through the data on more than 500 primate species revealing a looming extinction crisis. They estimate that 60% of primate species are now threatened with extinction and 75% have populations that are in decline. Forest habitat that these animals rely on is being destroyed -primarily for agriculture and logging. Reversing these declines means looking closely at where we source products like timber, palm oil and meat.
Most of us look at instant noodles as a quick meal, but one artist is turning them into… well, art. Cynthia Suwito knits noodles as a performance art piece for a gallery in Singapore. She says her work is a reflection on the modern world's obsession with instant gratification. It takes her three hours to knit a 20cm-long piece. Mmmm… that’s what we could call having good taste in art!
大多数人认为方便面是一种速食,但有一位艺术家却把这类食物转变成了艺术。辛西娅·苏维托(Cynthia Suwito)以面条为材料织出了一件表现艺术作品,在新加坡的一家画廊中展出。她说,该艺术品映射现代世界中人们执于即时满足感的现象。她织成这件 20 厘米长的作品共花 费三个小时。嗯……只有做出这种展品的人才能称得上在艺术方面"品位"不凡。
trawled through
trawled through / obsession
1. My cousin is ______ with social media. He doesn't do anything without posting a picture or comment on Weibo!
2. As the winter hours ticked by, without a sign of the girls, detectives ______ a list of violent criminals and paedophiles.
1. My cousin is obsessed with social media. He doesn't do anything without posting a picture or comment on Weibo!
2. As the winter hours ticked by, without a sign of the girls, detectives trawled through a list of violent criminals and paedophiles.