BBC Learning English 英语教学

New island may tell us about life on Mars 火山生成的新岛可能提供火星生命的证据



Our planet's youngest island has a tongue-twister of a name: Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'apai. It exploded out of a huge submerged volcanic mountain in spectacular style, throwing ash and rock into the air.

Since the drama of its birth passed, though, scientists have been fascinated by the story of its survival. As Pacific waves lashed at it, researchers expected the island to erode away in months. But almost three years on, it's still there – a windswept volcanic cone of about two-and-a-half square kilometres.

Its entire life so far has been recorded on satellite images, and the researchers studying it have since been able to visit the island, collecting rock and soil samples. Jim Garvin from Nasa has been there and explained that it was a rare template for understanding how similar looking volcanoes on the surface of the Red Planet may have evolved.

But scientists don't expect it to stick around forever: storm action should eventually dismantle it. But they estimate they'll have about two to three decades to watch it very closely before its demise.  


tongue-twister 绕口令,像绕口令般的
submerged 没入水中的
lashed 冲击
erode 侵蚀,腐蚀
windswept 受强风侵袭的
template 样板,模板
evolved 逐渐演变的
stick around 逗留,停留
dismantle 摧毁
demise 消亡



1. Was the volcano that the island emerged from above or below the ocean?

2. Are scientists surprised the island is still there?

3. Which word in the article shows that scientists are using the island as a model for understanding Mars?

4. True or false? The island will last forever.


1. Was the volcano that the island emerged from above or below the ocean?
Below. It was submerged.

2. Are scientists surprised the island is still there?
Yes. They expected it to erode away in a matter of months.

3. Which word in the article shows that scientists are using the island as a model for understanding Mars?
‘Template’. It's a template for understanding how similar looking volcanoes on the surface of the Mars may have developed.

4. True or false? The island will last forever.
False. Scientists don't think it will stick around.

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