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Rise in cancers 'caused by weight' in UK 研究称英国因肥胖致癌病例数上升

一项大型研究结果显示,在英国,超重或肥胖逐渐成为致癌一大要因,而因吸烟致癌的病例数正在减少。英国癌症研究所(Cancer Research UK)发现,约有三分之一的癌症病例是可预防的。他们还发现由体重超标导致的癌症所占比率已从2011年的5.5%升至现在的6.3%;而因吸烟致癌的患者数有所下降。


The link between cancer and lifestyle, how much we eat, smoke and exercise is becoming even more stark. The latest data on cancer shows that in 2015, smoking was responsible for more than 54,000 cases of the disease. It remains the most common cause of cancer despite a fall in the number of smokers.

In contrast, the rise in obesity, which is linked to 13 different cancers including breast, bowel and womb, means it is now the second biggest cause of the disease, affecting 22,000 people a year. Too much ultraviolet radiation from the sun or sunbeds, leading to skin cancer, is the third most common cause, with more than 13,000 cases.

Cancer Research UK says that while adopting a healthy lifestyle, stopping smoking, eating a good diet and exercising will not necessarily prevent cancer, it can greatly reduce the risk of developing the disease.




1. 词汇表

stark 明显的
responsible for 是…造成的
bowel 肠          
womb 子宫
ultraviolet radiation 紫外线辐射
sunbeds 日光浴浴床
adopting 选择、养成…某种习惯
reduce the risk of 降低…的风险

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. How many cases of cancer was smoking responsible for in 2015?

2. What is the third most common cause of the disease?

3. True or false? According to Cancer Research UK, adopting a healthy lifestyle, stopping smoking, eating a good diet and exercising will guarantee that you won’t get cancer. 

4. Which word in the text means ‘starting to have or suffer from’?

3. 答案

1. How many cases of cancer was smoking responsible for in 2015?
Smoking was responsible for more than 54,000 cases of the disease in 2015.

2. What is the third most common cause of the disease? 
The third most common cause is too much ultraviolet radiation from the sun or sunbeds. This leads to skin cancer.

3. True or false? According to Cancer Research UK, adopting a healthy lifestyle, stopping smoking, eating a good diet and exercising will guarantee that you won’t get cancer.  
False. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, stopping smoking, eating a good diet and exercising will not necessarily prevent cancer.

4. Which word in the text means ‘starting to have or suffer from’?

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