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Amsterdam tackles child obesity 阿姆斯特丹解决儿童肥胖危机新倡议


和“health and fitness 健康与健身”有关的词汇


How does Amsterdam intend to force obesity rates down?


Meet Tyrell. A typical nine-year-old, but struggling with weight - caught up in the global childhood obesity crisis. With one in five of its children overweight, Amsterdam is determined to help kids like Tyrell.


Janice Van Der Wees, Tyrell’s mother
He won’t feel fit - and your condition has to be OK. So I’ve tried to make him aware already,  like ‘just think about your health.’

詹妮丝·范德维 泰瑞尔的母亲

The Amsterdam initiative means every child is put through their paces. Weighed, but also tested for strength, endurance and balance to see who needs help.


For Tyrell, that means regular home visits from dieticians advising on healthy eating, and then there's the gym. Free sessions twice a week with other children on the programme. They're having fun, getting fit and crucially, losing pounds.


The children of Amsterdam are on the move, on the ice, burning calories. It’s free entry here and in other city sports facilities. Exercise, helping to force obesity rates down.


In Amsterdam it’s all about the children – lessons here perhaps for other cities hoping to build a better, leaner future.



put through their paces 接受体能测试和训练

dieticians 营养师

getting fit 变得更健康

leaner 更瘦、更健康的

burning calories 燃烧热量、卡路里


According to Guinness World Records, the heaviest person ever recorded weighed 560kg or 1,235lb in 2006. The Mexican man, named Manuel Uribe, died aged 48 in 2014, weighing 394kg after losing weight.



Amsterdam intends to force obesity rates down by providing free entry to city sports facilities.

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