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Call for new Oxbridge colleges for disadvantaged students 专家呼吁牛剑为扩招弱势群体学生新建学院




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Young people from rich families are still much more likely to get top places at top universities, says this report from higher education experts. And they say one practical measure to widen access would be for two of the most prestigious universities, Oxford and Cambridge, to create more places.


Whilst some other leading universities have expanded their intakes by 30, 40 or even 50 per cent in recent years, Oxford and Cambridge have kept their undergraduate numbers broadly the same.


The Higher Education Policy Institute says if Oxbridge colleges have no capacity to expand, that it may be time to build some entirely new colleges. But Oxford and Cambridge have both said there were no plans for any such expansion.


1. 词汇表

practical measure 切实可行的办法


prestigious 享有盛誉的,有声望的

intakes 入学名额,招生数量

broadly 大致,大体

capacity 能力

entirely new 全新的

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. What do higher education experts want Oxford and Cambridge universities to do?

2. True or false? Oxford and Cambridge universities have reduced the number of undergraduate places.

3. Why do experts think some new colleges should be built?

4. When are Oxford and Cambridge planning to expand their colleges?

3. 答案

1. What do higher education experts want Oxford and Cambridge universities to do?
They want Oxford and Cambridge, to create more places to create more places for disadvantaged youngsters.

2. True or false? Oxford and Cambridge universities have reduced the number of undergraduate places.
False. Numbers of undergraduates at Oxford and Cambridge have remained broadly the same.

3. Why do experts think some new colleges should be built?
Because Oxford and Cambridge do not have the capacity to expand.

4. When are Oxford and Cambridge planning to expand their colleges?
They are not. Oxford and Cambridge have both said there were no plans for any such expansion.


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