Future-proofing Stonehenge 英国开展巨石阵修复工作
有关 “construction(施工)” 的词汇
When was the last time there was large-scale conservation work on Stonehenge?
Metal scaffolding may be an incongruous sight next to the ancient structure, and it will be taken down every evening over the next few weeks – such is the determination to keep Stonehenge open and looking as normal as possible.
This conservation work is in itself historic. The last time something of this scale was undertaken was more than 60 years ago, when the ladders were wooden, you could smoke a pipe while working and protective headgear was a woolly hat.
Much has changed over the decades, but the problems remain.
Heather Sebire, English Heritage
One of the lintels, for example, was stitched together in the 1950s. So, we’re going to be doing some repair work to that because at the time they used a mortar that was very hard, and we’re going to replace that with lime mortar.
希瑟·塞比尔 英格兰遗产委员会(English Heritage)
Repairing, restoring, conserving. There are subtle differences, and at this World Heritage site – everything is tightly controlled. After all, they are working in the footsteps of giants.
修理、修复、保护。这其中有微妙的差别,而在这个世界遗产遗址,一切都受到严格的控制。毕竟他们在追随 “巨人” 的脚步工作。
John Maguire, BBC correspondent
Now they may not have used phrases like ‘structural engineer’ or ‘architect’ 4500 years ago, but they were very clever people. On top of each pillar there’s a tenon joint – it’s that bit of rock that you can see sticking up. They would then go inside this mortise hole, so the lintels would have sat on top of the pillars. We think this one was never actually placed on top of the pillar. We don’t know why. As with so much in Stonehenge, it remains a mystery.
约翰·马奎尔 BBC通讯员
“虽然4500年前的人可能还没有 ‘结构工程师’ 或 ‘建筑师’ 这样的字眼,但他们非常聪明。每根石柱的顶部都有一个榫结合处,就是上面那块突出的石头。它们会与这个榫眼接合,这样横石就会卡在柱子顶部。我们认为,这块横石其实从来没被放到石柱顶部。我们不知道背后的原因。就和巨石阵中的许多事情一样,它仍是个谜。”
With our changing climate, English Heritage is aware that the stones will face different weather patterns. So, the hope is to future-proof the work for at least the next 60, 70, maybe 100 years.
scaffolding 脚手架
protective headgear 防护安全帽
lintels 横石
mortar 砂浆
pillar 柱子
Large-scale conservation work was last done more than 60 years ago.