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中国日报网 2022-02-25 15:55





1. 2022年中央一号文件公布

2. 基本养老保险启动全国统筹

3. “东数西算”工程正式全面实施

4. 北京:16项辅助生殖技术纳入医保

5. 俄罗斯对顿巴斯地区发起特别军事行动


1. 2022年中央一号文件

'No. 1 central document' for 2022


China unveiled its "No. 1 central document" for 2022 on Feb. 22, outlining key tasks to comprehensively push forward rural vitalization this year.


文件指出,党中央认为,从容应对百年变局和世纪疫情(cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and other changes unseen in a century),推动经济社会平稳健康发展(promote sound economic and social development),必须着眼国家重大战略需要,稳住农业基本盘、做好“三农”工作,接续全面推进乡村振兴,确保农业稳产增产(stabilize and increase agricultural production)、农民稳步增收(steadily raise farmers' incomes)、农村稳定安宁(ensure stability in China's rural areas)

文件提出,牢牢守住保障国家粮食安全和不发生规模性返贫两条底线(we must firmly hold the bottom lines of guaranteeing China's grain security and ensuring no large-scale return to poverty),突出年度性任务、针对性举措、实效性导向,充分发挥农村基层党组织领导作用(the leadership of the Communist Party of China in rural communities should be strengthened),扎实有序做好乡村发展、乡村建设、乡村治理重点工作。


“三农”问题 issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers

乡村振兴 rural vitalization

农业农村现代化 modernization of agriculture and rural areas

粮食产量 grain output


2. 基本养老保险全国统筹

nationwide pooling of basic pension funds


China has started nationwide pooling of basic pension funds since Jan 1 this year, Vice Minister of Finance Yu Weiping said at a press conference.


制度实施后,将在全国范围内对地区间养老保险基金当期余缺进行调剂(the move will allow pension funds to be transferred from regions with surplus to regions with deficit)。人力资源和社会保障部养老保险司副司长亓涛说,全国统筹制度实施后,困难地区的养老金发放更有保障(retirees in less-developed regions will get their pensions timely and sufficiently)

2020年底,各省份实现了基金省级统收统支(all Chinese regions realized the pooling of pensions funds at the regional level)。但是,由于我国区域间经济发展水平、人口年龄结构等存在差异,一些省份基金结余比较多,但一些省份养老保险基金的支出压力比较大(pension fund surplus in some regions as well as difficulties of payment in others)

全国统筹制度(the establishment of the nationwide pooling system)实施以后,通过加强对养老保险政策、经办服务、信息系统等方面的统一管理(the unified management of pension policy, pension services and information systems will be enhanced),将有利于进一步提升保障能力 ,更好地确保养老金按时足额发放。


全国统筹制度 nationwide pooling system

养老金 pension

基本医疗保险 basic medical insurance program

社会保障体系 social security system


3. “东数西算”工程

national computing network to synergize east and west


China has approved projects to build eight national computing hubs and approved plans on 10 national-data center clusters, indicating the completion of the overall layout for the national integrated big-data center system.


8个国家算力枢纽节点(the eight national computing hubs)将在京津冀、长三角、粤港澳大湾区、成渝、内蒙古、贵州、甘肃、宁夏启动建设。8个国家算力枢纽节点将作为我国算力网络的骨干连接点(the backbone connection to China's computing network),发展数据中心集群(develop data-center clusters),开展数据中心与网络、云计算、大数据之间的协同建设(carry out collaborative construction between data centers, cloud computing and big data),并作为国家“东数西算”工程的战略支点,推动算力资源有序向西转移,促进解决东西部算力供需失衡问题(bridge the gap between eastern and western regions in computing resources)

国家发展改革委高技术司副司长孙伟说,我国数据中心大多分布在东部地区,在土地、能源等资源紧张的形势下,在东部大规模发展数据中心难以为继(shortages of land and energy resources in these regions pose a threat to the sustained development of the data centers)。而我国西部地区资源充裕,特别是可再生能源丰富,具备发展数据中心、承接东部算力需求的潜力(China's western regions are rich in resources, especially renewable energy, and have the potential to nurture the development of data centers and meet the needs of data computing in the eastern regions)


大数据产业 big-data industry

国家算力枢纽节点national computing hubs

国家大数据战略the national big data strategy

人工智能 artificial intelligence


4. 辅助生殖技术

assisted reproductive technologies


Beijing has decided to cover 16 medical services using assisted reproductive technologies in its healthcare reimbursement scheme as part of efforts to encourage more births.


北京市医保局称,这16项辅助生殖技术涉及人群广、诊疗必需、技术成熟、安全可靠(the newly added fertility services are deemed to be mature and reliable, and suitable for a large number of people seeking to have babies)。新政策将于326日落地。

16项辅助生殖技术包括常见的宫腔内人工授精术(intrauterine insemination)、胚胎移植术(embryo transfer)、精子优选处理等。据了解,目前我市具有辅助生殖资质的基本医疗保险定点医疗机构共15家(15 hospitals eligible for reimbursement are qualified to provide such services)。


体外授精 in vitro fertilizationIVF

出生率 birth rate

宫腔内人工授精 intrauterine insemination (IUI)

不育的 infertile


5. 特别军事行动

special military operation


Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized on Thursday "a special military operation" in Donbass, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced Kyiv decides to sever ties with Russia.


塔斯社援引俄罗斯国防部224日消息报道,乌方军事基础设施(military infrastructure)正受到高精度武器(high-precision weapons)的打击,但俄罗斯武装部队不对乌克兰城市进行炮击或空袭,行动不会威胁到平民。

24日清晨,乌克兰首都基辅上空传来数次爆炸声(explosions were heard)。乌克兰总统泽连斯基当天晚些时候发表讲话说,乌克兰决定与俄罗斯断绝外交关系(Kyiv severs relations with Moscow)。他表示将给需要的人发放武器(arm citizens who want to fight)。

225日凌晨,中国驻乌克兰大使馆微信公号发布紧急通知称,当前乌克兰国内局势急剧恶化(given the rapidly deteriorating situation in Ukraine),我在乌公民和中资企业处于较高安全风险(Chinese nationals and companies are facing high security risks),将分批包机(charter flights)接返在乌中国公民。


全境戒严 declare martial law in the country

北约东扩 NATO expanding eastward

对民航飞机关闭领空 closed its airspace to civilian aircraft

地面部队 ground forces

断交 sever diplomatic relations

非军事化和去纳粹化 demilitarization and denazification


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