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Poor quality university courses face limits on student numbers in England 英格兰大学质量欠佳的专业课程或被限制招生人数

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在这些计划下,英国学生事务办公室将被要求限制各大学提供的辍学率高或没能帮助毕业生找到好工作的专业课程可招收的学生人数。英国政府表示,这类无法为学生提供 “令人满意的结果” 的课程包括辍学率高和学生就业率低的课程。

These plans would see the Office for Students asked to limit the number of students universities could take on courses that had high dropout rates or did not lead to good jobs. The regulator already has the power to investigate and sanction universities if degrees fall below set minimum performance thresholds. These include 75% of students completing the course and 60% going on to further study or professional work within 15 months of graduating.


Rishi Sunak said too many young people were being sold a false dream. Labour's shadow education secretary Bridget Phillipson said the announcement was an attack on the aspirations of young people and the Liberal Democrats said it would make it harder for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to go on to further study.


Universities UK said, for the large majority of students, university was a great investment and warned any measures must be targeted and proportionate.



dropout rates 辍学率
regulator 监管机构,进行官方调控的部门
sanction 处罚,制裁
performance thresholds 表现阈值,绩效的临界值
a false dream 不真实的梦,不切实际的期望
aspirations 抱负,志向
disadvantaged backgrounds 贫困背景出身
measures 举措,措施
proportionate 成比例的,相称的


1. On which courses might the Office for Students be asked to limit students?

2. True or False? The minimum performance threshold for students completing the course is 60%.

3. What did Bridget Phillipson say about the announcement?

4. How did Universities UK describe university for the large majority of students?


1. On which courses might the Office for Students be asked to limit students?

These plans would see the Office for Students asked to limit the number of students on courses that had high dropout rates or did not lead to good jobs.

2. True or False? The minimum performance threshold for students completing the course is 60%.

False. The minimum performance thresholds include 75% of students completing the course.

3. What did Bridget Phillipson say about the announcement?

Bridget Phillipson said the announcement was an attack on the aspirations of young people.

4. How did Universities UK describe university for the large majority of students?

Universities UK said, for the large majority of students, university was a great investment.




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