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AI can "safely" read breast cancer screening images 研究发现人工智能可以 “可靠地” 识别乳腺癌筛查图像

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瑞典的一项研究显示,人工智能可以 “可靠地” 从医学检测图像中识别出乳腺癌。来自瑞典隆德大学的研究人员发现,计算机辅助检测能够以与两位放射科医生一同评估筛查图像 “相似的效率” 发现癌症。

There is growing interest in how AI could transform healthcare. The idea of using it to help with breast cancer screening is one of the major areas of interest.


Previously, studies have shown benefit, and this latest research, led by a team at Lund University, adds to that by directly comparing the performance of human experts and AI head-to-head for the first time. It found AI could spot cancer at a similar rate to two radiologists and produce the same number of false positives – where a scan is incorrectly diagnosed as abnormal.


But the researchers will have to follow the trial participants for another two years to discover whether AI is better than humans and not missing cancers that should be picked up. The lead researcher, Dr Kristina Lang, said the findings certainly suggested AI could potentially have an important role to play.


UK experts say while AI could never replace radiologists, its use offered huge promise, as a radiologist armed with the data insight and accuracy of AI could be a formidable force in patient care.



screening 检测,筛查
head-to-head 正面交锋,一对一较量
spot 发现,看出
radiologists 放射科医生
false positive 假阳性,实际非阳性但检验结果呈阳性
abnormal 不正常,异常
trial participants 试验参与者,试验对象
picked up 被发现
armed 装备着,具有
data insight 数据洞察,通过分析研究数据而得到的深度理解
formidable 强大的,令人敬畏的


1. How is this research different to previous studies?

2. True or False? AI spots more false positives than radiologists do.

3. Why do trial participants need to be followed for two more years?

4. Why could the use of AI offer 'huge promise', although it can never replace radiologists?


1. How is this research different to previous studies?

This latest research directly compares the performance of human experts and AI head-to-head for the first time.

2. True or False? AI spots more false positives than radiologists do.

False. It found AI could spot cancer at a similar rate to two radiologists and produce the same number of false positives.

3. Why do trial participants need to be followed for two more years?

The researchers will have to follow the trial participants for another two years to discover whether AI is better than humans and not missing cancers that should be picked up.

4. Why could the use of AI offer 'huge promise', although it can never replace radiologists?

Because a radiologist armed with the data insight and accuracy of AI could be a formidable force in patient care.




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