BBC Learning English 英语教学


Nine-year-old British boy wins European screeching competition 九岁英国男孩模仿海鸥叫声得冠军


Nine-year-old British boy wins European screeching competition 九岁英国男孩模仿海鸥叫声得冠军


He's a champion seagull impersonator. As an intrigued crowd of Belgian seagull enthusiasts watch on from outside, the judges give nine-year-old Cooper nearly top marks, which saw him win the junior category in the European Gull Screeching competition.


He's now a seaside sensation, doing the media rounds about his ornithological status on TV and radio.

库珀现在在海边引起了轰动,他参加各类电视和广播节目,讲述他在 “鸟类学” 领域获得的荣誉。

Danny Savage, BBC reporter
"How special does it feel to be a gold medal winner for the UK?"

丹尼·萨维奇     BBC通讯员

Cooper, Seagull impersonator
"It feels amazing, and it reminds me of the Olympics, and now I'm like, 'Yeah, I brought back gold for England!' "

库珀     海鸥叫声模仿者

Danny Savage, BBC reporter
"When he first developed this talent, what did you think?"

丹尼·萨维奇     BBC通讯员

Lauren Wallace, Mother
"Great, another noise. He's not the quietest child. So, it started off as a bit of an another annoying sound from Cooper, and we kept encouraging him to stop. Then once we heard about the competition, it was encouraging him to practise, much to the neighbours' annoyance. Sorry, neighbours."

劳伦·华莱士     库珀的母亲

There is a serious point to the competition – to put seagulls in a more positive light. They can be seen as annoying scavengers.


But we all like to see a gold medal winning Brit. Add to the list – the boy from landlocked Chesterfield who can perfectly mimic a seabird.

但英国人都希望看到同胞夺金。金牌榜上再添新成员 —— 来自内陆城镇切斯特菲尔德的男孩库珀,他能惟妙惟肖地模仿海鸟的叫声。

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