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Restaurant etiquette 餐馆礼貌用语

"I'd like to know - what is the correct way to order food in the restaurant? How much tips should I give in different kinds of restaurant in different time?"

Shuoxin Li, Beijing

Going out for a meal is a real treat for many of us.

But do you know the right phrases to use to order food politely?


A waiter might ask you:

Are you ready to order?

If you haven't decided what to eat, you could say:

Could I have a few more minutes, please?

In today's Question and Answer of the Week, Neil and Li are in a restaurant, and talk through some of the scenarios you may come across - and the right phrases to use for good restaurant etiquette!

If you want a question answered too, just send it to questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk