The stars of the film pose together |
The fifth Harry Potter film, 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix',premieredin London on 3rd July under stormy skies, intorrentialrain.
However, the weather didn’tdeterthe many fans, who gathered in Leicester Square to see thestarsof the film arrive. Some fans hadcamped outovernight to make sure they got right to the front of the crowd.
Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry, arrived at the premiere with a large umbrella to avoid gettingdrenched. He told reporters that the new film isdarkerthan the previous ones, and there’s not so much directcomedyas in previous films.
However, the youngwizardis no longer a child – Daniel was 10 when he first played the role but is now 17, so the new filmaddressessome morematureemotionalissues. The film features Harry’s firston-screenkiss, with Cho Chang, played by Katie Leung. The film will beon general releasefrom 13th July.
The stars of the film wereimmortalisedin concrete at the Los Angeles premiere at Graumans Chinese Theatre. They made hand, foot andwandprints to join the many famous people who have alreadymade their markthere.
Author of the Harry Potter books, JK Rowling was also at the premiere, and talked about finishing the final book in the series, 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'. She said she was very emotional at having finished the series, and that it had been "a hell ofa month".
The seventh and final book will be released on 21st July, and over 1 and half million orders have already been placed in bookshops. In addition, plans are alreadyafootfor the movieadaptationof the 6th book, 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince'.
So look out for more Harry Potter soon!