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Horse around 闹着玩儿

Horse around 闹着玩儿

This horse seems to be enjoying its roll in the sand. Photo: BBC


Horses were domesticated 6,000 years ago on the grasslands of Ukraine, southwest Russia and west Kazakhstan, according to a study by a Cambridge University team.



To horse around 意思是闹着玩儿,嬉戏玩耍。


During the school holidays there was no peace in the house. Johnny and Annie horsed around all day, every day.

I was horsing around with some friends in the library - we got told to leave.


短语 from the horse's mouth 意思是指消息来自最直接、最可靠的出处。

Interest rates are definitely going up next month. The finance minister was talking about it on TV - I heard it from the horse's mouth.