Not give a monkey's 毫不在乎
Gibraltar, known as The Rock, is a popular tourist destination and famous for being home to a group of Barbary macaque monkeys. Males of the species help care for the young, including the offspring of others. Scientists think this might be due to the fact that females mate with all male members so paternity is uncertain.
直布罗陀,也被称为 The Rock “岩石”,这里除了是著名的旅游胜地之外,也是巴巴利猕猴的家乡。雄猴们会承担照顾幼猴的责任,包括非亲生的幼猴。科学家们认为这可能是因为雌猴会与所有的雄猴交配,所以无法判断幼猴的生父究竟是谁。
如果你告诉别人你 don't give a monkey's about something, 意思就是你对某事一点都不在乎,完全无所谓。
I don't give a monkey's if my ex-boyfriend is getting married or not.
It's all about the money for Caroline. She doesn't give a monkey's about the work itself.
如果某人参与的事被形容为 monkey business, 这就是说他的表现和行为非常愚蠢或幼稚。这个短语也能用来表达令人难以接受甚至是带欺骗性质的表现。
Two policemen showed up at my neighbour's doorstep this morning. I've always suspected there's been some monkey business going on in the house.