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Full steam ahead! 全速前进!

Full steam ahead! 全速前进!

There is still a chance to ride a steam train on Britain's heritage lines


Full steam ahead 意思是充满信心地和精力饱满地全速前进。



Britain is the home of steam travel. Even today there are nearly 100 steam railways open to tourists, mostly running during the summer months. They are perfect for a family day out.

We've had months of setbacks but now it's full steam ahead. We should have the new product out by April.

We're going full steam ahead with our plans to extend the kitchen.


不要把这个短语和另一个短语 to do something under your own steam 混淆起来,后者的意思是独立完成某事。


I made the whole film without help; the script, the direction, the editing – I did it all under my own steam.