Your score: 0/6 Your score: 1/6 Your score: 2/6 Your score: 3/6 Your score: 4/6 Your score: 5/6 Your score: 6/6 |
1 : If you’re having a really good time, in English you would say…? |
The possible answers were:
I’m having a dog of a time.
I’m having a whale of a time.
I’m having a frog of a time.
I’m having an elephant of a time.
You said: I’m having a dog of a time. I’m having a whale of a time. I’m having a frog of a time. I’m having an elephant of a time.
很遗憾,英语中没有 I’m having an elephant of a time 的说法,就更提不上成语了。再想想看。
很遗憾,英语中没有 I’m having a dog of a time 的说法,就更提不上成语了。再想想看。
完全正确。如果(做)某事让一个人感觉非常开心和愉快,就可以用这个成语来形容。比如说公园里面的孩子们玩得非常开心就是 Look at those kids in the park there – they're having a whale of a time! 注意人称和系动词要一致,也就是I/he/she/we/they/you is/are having a whale of a time.
很遗憾,英语中没有 I’m having a frog of a time 的说法,就更提不上成语了。再想想看
2 : If someone is clumsy (笨拙的) when they should be careful we might describe them as being like…? |
The possible answers were:
a cat in a paper house.
a horse in a shopping centre.
a dog in a glass house.
a bull in a china shop.
You said: a cat in a paper house. a horse in a shopping centre. a dog in a glass house. a bull in a china shop.
选择正确,祝贺你!这是个很形象的表达,形容某人做事情笨手笨脚,那么你就可以用这句成语去形容。比如,一个人打开冰箱拿东西,哩哩啦啦不算,还把瓶子打碎了。这时你就可以说 You’re like a bull in a china shop. 注意,这里 china shop 是瓷器店(不是 China 中国),在瓷器店里面一定要仔细,不然很容易把瓷器弄摔或者弄破。Bull 公牛,公牛可以理解为横冲直撞,当然不可能仔细小心了。另外这个成语也可以形容人的行为鲁莽,比如一些人在商务会议上表现得怒发冲冠,直言不讳,你可以说 they went into that meeting like a bull in a china shop.
3 : If someone is described, or describes themselves as no spring chicken – what do they mean? |
The possible answers were:
They are not young.
They do not like spring.
They weren’t born in the spring.
They are not cute.
You said: They are not young. They do not like spring. They weren’t born in the spring. They are not cute.
选择正确。英语中用春天的小鸡来形容充满活力的年轻人,所以当一个人感觉自己因上年岁而力不从心时就可以用这句成语,比如 I can't walk up that hill! I’m no spring chicken anymore you know! 不过在用它形容别人的时候要特别小心,最好不要当面使用,避免失礼。
4 : If you tell someone ‘hold your horses’ – what does it mean? |
The possible answers were:
It means they have to have more control.
It means they are doing something quickly and you would like them to slow down.
It means they are doing something wrong and have to put it right.
It means they have to look after something for you.
You said: It means they have to have more control. It means they are doing something quickly and you would like them to slow down. It means they are doing something wrong and have to put it right. It means they have to look after something for you.
不对,因为 Hold your horses 不表示拥有更多的控制
选答正确,恭喜你!让某人放慢速度就是 hold your horses。比如某人在电话里告诉你一个地址,你用笔写下来,可是对方语速太快,你让对方说得慢一些,就可以说 hold your horses, what was that first thing you said?不过要注意,这是很随便用语,限于孩子和朋友,最好不要对你的老板这样说。
不对,因为 Hold your horses 不表示某人犯了错应该纠正。
不对,因为 Hold your horses 没有让某人帮你照管某事的意思
5 : If something you do could cause a lot of problems and is probably going to cause more problems than it’s worth, we say in English you’re opening a can of…? |
The possible answers were:
You said: worms. sardines. insects. fish.
选择精彩祝贺你!To open a can of worms 意思是惹出麻烦来,甚至是无穷无尽的麻烦。例如 Some of my colleagues aren't doing the work they should but I don’t want to tell my boss. That could really be opening a can of worms.
很遗憾,选错了。这是一个固定的成语,其中的名词也是固定的。不能用虫子这个词 opening a can of insects.
很遗憾,选错了。这是一个固定的成语,其中的名词也是固定的。不能用鱼这个词 opening a can of fish.
很遗憾,选错了。这是一个固定的成语,其中的名词也是固定的。不能用沙丁鱼这个词 opening a can of sardines.
6 : If people are disappearing quite quickly, for example people are quitting their jobs in one place or maybe students aren't coming to a particular class – you could say they are dropping like…? |
The possible answers were:
You said: bees. flies. birds. ducks.
很遗憾,选择错了,因为英语中没有dropping like bees 的说法。
很好,得一分。英语成语 dropping like flies 用来形容迅速消失不见踪影。比如,大学里的一个原本热门选修课,突然间学生们纷纷退出,出勤人数骤然下降。这种状况就可以被形容为 people are dropping like flies around here.
很遗憾,选择错了,因为英语中没有 dropping like birds 的说法。
很遗憾,选择错了,因为英语中没有 dropping like ducks 的说法。