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[ 2006-10-08 10:20 ]


Most people have experienced the dreaded ice cream headache at some point. You are minding your own business, eating something like an ice cream cone, a milk shake, a snow cone... Then, suddenly you are hit with the mostexcruciatingheadache!

According to Dr. Joseph Hulihan of Temple University, ice cream pain, also known as "brain freeze", is the most common form of head pain, occurring in one third of a randomly selected population.

The condition is caused by extremely cold foods or beverages that touch the roof of the mouth and set in motion a chain of events. When the nerves that travel to the brain are stimulated, the blood vessels in the front of the head expand and contract like they do during amigraine headache. Even though this sensation typically lasts only 10 to 20 seconds, the pain is mind-numbing.

Studies show that the headache could be elicited only in hot weather; attempts to reproduce the pain during the winter were unsuccessful, even with use of a cold stimulus of the same temperature.

No treatment is usually required, and sufferers rarely seek medical attention. Since the posterior aspect of thepalateis most likely to produce the referred pain of ice cream headache, the easy way to avoid "brain freeze" is to keep cold things away from the roof of your mouth!

excruciating: 极痛苦的

migraine headache: 偏头痛

palate: 上颚

(北京外国语大学通讯员谢丽供稿 英语点津 Annabel 编辑)

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