Which is the strongest creature in the world?  |
From which number can one take half and leave nothing?  |
Which person tries to make others smile most of the time?  |
On what day of a year do soldiers start wars in history?  |
What's too much for me,just right for two,but nothing at all for three?  |
What is dark but made out of light?  |
When can you have something and nothing at the same time in your pocket?  |
What animal is always at a baseball game?  |
What is in the middle of nowhere?  |
What can be cut and will grow?  |
What's the difference between a monkey and a flea?  |
What can't be used until it's broken?  |
Which is faster, heat or cold?  |
Do you know why birds fly to south in the winter?  |
What has a neck, but no head?  |
Why did the student take a ladder to school?  |
Why did the man put the clock in the safe?  |
What are the two strongest days of the week?  |
In what state does it cost the most to live in?  |
How many sides does a house have?  |
What is yours, but is used more by others than by you?  |
What is the end of everything?  |
What can go around the earth without rockets?  |
What two words have the most letters in it?  |
Light as a feather, there is nothing in it; the strongest man can't hold it for much more than a minute?  |
What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in?  |
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?  |
A word I know, six letters it contains, Subtract just one, and twelve is what remains. What is the word?  |
I have holes on the top and bottom. And I have holes in the middle, yet I still hold water. I have holes on my left and on my rig. What am I?  |
What common English verb becomes its own past tense by rearranging its letters?  |