[ 2006-11-14 15:27 ]
美国中期选举尘埃落定,民主党重掌参众两院而且夺得了参议院的控制权。这对共和党人布什来说,可谓一大重创。他已成为名副其实的“lame duck”(字面意:跛脚鸭;比喻义:失去影响力的窘境),即任期将满不能重新当选的官员。
请看外电相关报道:The Democrats won 51-49 in the Senate and a majority of at least 30 seats in the House of Representatives, crippling President George W. Bush and making him alame duckas he enters his last two years in his second term.
“Lame duck”在此是政治术语,指“任期将满而又不能重新当选的官员,尤指第二任期行将结束的总统”。
美国总统任期是四年,可竞选连任一次。如果一位总统干到第六年,那么明摆着他是快要离开白宫了,这时手下的官员可能不再那么买他的帐。对于布什而言,中期选举惨败,参众两院已不在他的控制之下,此时的他,的的确确成了一名处境窘迫的“lame duck”。
看例句:The governor of our state ended up as a lame duck when he lost the election. He still has six weeks left in office but there's nothing to do except to pack up his papers. (我们州的州长竞选连任失败,即将离任。他的任期还剩六个星期,除了整理文件以外也没什么事可干了。