[ 2008-05-20 10:32 ]
5月12日的四川汶川大地震不仅牵动着每个中国人的心,也引起国际社会的强烈关注。从5月16日起,日本、美国、英国、俄罗斯等国家纷纷派遣专业救援队赶赴地震灾区协助救援。 在抗震救灾的一线,除了各类专业搜救队伍在夜以继日地忙碌以外,来自各地的警犬也在尽力搜寻被埋的遇难者。
The efficacy and efficiency of sniffer dogs have become legion in the quake-hit areas of Sichuan, where they are often seen as the last line of hope.
The dogs have become heroes in the city. Many residents are refusing to clear debris unless a dog has confirmed there is nobody left underneath. Some families have cut the rations of their pet dogs to supply the professionals.
该报道中,sniffer dog指的是“嗅探犬,专门嗅探毒品或爆炸物的警犬”。“警犬”(police dog)因其品种不同,具体所在的工作领域也有所不同,具体说来,有tracker dog(擅长追踪的警犬),slowhound (一种尤指对血迹嗅觉敏锐的)警犬,bloodhound(侦探犬)等。
Ration这个词也需要说一下,它指的是the food allowance for one day或者a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity),即“定量,配给”或者“限量供应”,在这里rations of pet dogs就是“宠物狗的口粮”。
(英语点津 Helen 编辑)