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  Bizarre: 奇异的,古怪的
[ 2004-08-31 08:39 ]

男子马拉松比赛可谓是本届奥运会的收山之作,然而神话迭现的雅典又在最后时刻让人们大跌眼镜——在离终点还有约7公里时,一个头戴绿色贝雷帽、身着红色短裙、腿裹一双绿色及膝长袜的男子突然冲出人群,将当时处于领先位置的巴西队员范德莱·利马连扭带拽推到了观众群中。虽然利马最终仍坚持完成了比赛,但心神大乱的他只获得了铜牌。外电报道如下:Everyone knew the marathon was going to be tough, but having to dodge a would-be tackler in a kilt, green beret and matching knee-high socks wasn't an expected obstacle. It was definitely a bizarre way to end the Olympics. Even the highly unusual fact that an American won a silver medal paled in comparison. Bizarre表示“奇异的,古怪的”,例如:bizarre clothing(奇装异服);The story has a certain bizarre interest.(这个故事听起来别有风趣。)
