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  Charts: 流行音乐排行榜
[ 2004-12-08 09:25 ]


美国流行音乐界的说唱歌手兼名牌制作人凯恩·魏斯特创造出了无数富有灵感、诙谐幽默的说唱单曲,被誉为最有创造力的歌曲创作者和最有灵感的唱片制作人。12月7日,凯恩·魏斯特获得了10项格莱美奖提名,灵魂歌手、节奏布鲁斯才女艾莉西亚·凯斯和R&B红人亚瑟小子也各获八项提名。外电报道如下:The Grammys have gone autobiographical. Kanye West raps about religion, his fears and his own greatness. Usher steamed up the charts with songs about sex, affairs and breakups. Alicia Keys sang about aching for love, confiding secrets and imagining a different future for herself.

Their reward for the tell-all music - a collection of Grammy nominations Tuesday, 10 for West and eight each for Keys and Usher.

Chart的本义是“航海图,水路图,图表”,其复数形式charts表示“流行音乐排行榜;最畅销品目录”,常和the连用。和chart相关的术语有a weather chart(天气图);account chart(帐户一览表);account flow chart(会计流程图解);area bar chart(面积条线图);break-even chart(损益平衡表)等。
