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  Verdict: 判决,定论
[ 2004-12-24 12:03 ]


对于美国软件巨擘微软来说,这个圣诞节有点儿冷。12月22日,欧洲法院勒令微软立即执行欧盟委员会于3月份做出的反垄断处罚,改变其商业操作模式,剥离视窗操作系统中捆绑的媒体播放器软件,向竞争对手开放一些软件的源代码。外电报道如下:A European Union court is to issue its initial verdict in a high-profile anti-trust case pitting US software giant Microsoft against the EU's executive commission.

The Court of First Instance, the EU's second-highest court, will deliver a ruling on Microsoft's request for a suspension of enforced product changes and a record fine imposed on it by the commission in March.

The commission slapped the fine of 497 million euros (665 million dollars) after finding that Bill Gates' company had abused its overwhelming dominance in software for personal computers.

Verdict表示“(陪审团的)判决,判断性意见,决定”,例如:We would like to know your verdict in this matter.(我们愿意知道你对此事的判断。)相关词组有:the verdict of history(历史的定论);a verdict for the plaintiff(有利于原告的裁决);an open verdict(死因未详的裁决);a partial verdict(部分有罪裁决);a popular verdict(公众意见)等。
