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  risk-proof: 防范风险的
[ 2006-02-20 10:41 ]


请看《中国日报》相关报道:The China UnionPay (CUP), a shareholding financial institution unifying China's national bankcard networks, has decided to set up an anti-fraud control center soon in a bid to provide risk-proof services for card holders.

报道中的risk-proof就是"防范风险的"。Risk原意指"the possibility of suffering harm or loss; danger"(危险,遭受损害或损失的可能性),这时它常和动词run或take搭配构成动词词组to run/take the risk of doing sth.(冒着危险做某事),如:"They took a risk in driving on, notwithstanding the storm"(尽管有暴风雨,他们还是冒险驾车赶路)。报道中的risk指"the danger or probability of loss to the bankcard holder"(银行卡持卡人遭受损失的危险或可能性)。

另外,在词组risk-proof中,尤要注意词缀-proof的用法,指"fully or successfully resistant"(有完全防范…的能力),它常和其它词搭配构成合成词,如waterproof watches(防水手表),airproof pipe(密封的管道)。
