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  revaluation: 货币升值
[ 2006-03-02 13:26 ]


请看《中国日报》的有关报道:China on Wednesday let the Yuan rise to its highest level since July's revaluation and restated its commitment to freer capital flows as US officials began new talks aimed at reducing America's big trade deficit with China.

报道中的revaluation常常在经济新闻中出现,是名词词组currency revaluation的简称,指"货币升值"。Revaluation来源于动词revaluate,意思是to increase the exchange value of a nation's currency(重新调整币值增加国家货币兑换值),如The dollar is being revalued(美元正在升值)。还有一个词组表达"货币升值",即currency appreciation。

另外,revaluate的另一层意思是"重新评价",可以指对人或历史事件的重新评估,也可以指对财产的估算,如:We're having all the contents of our house revalued for insurance purposes(为了投保,我们把屋内的所有东西重新估算了一遍)。
