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  Keira Knightley succeeds Moss in ads
[ 2006-04-27 11:28 ]

法国香奈儿公司本周三正式宣布,继性感名模凯特·摩丝之后,被誉为英伦新玫瑰的时尚名模凯拉·奈特丽将成为其女士香水(少女版) 的代言人。奈特丽因在《加勒比海盗》中饰演总督女儿而被赞誉为加勒比美女,又因全新演绎《傲慢与偏见》而获第78届奥斯卡最佳女主角提名。


Chanel has selected "Pride & Prejudice" star Keira Knightley as the new face of its Coco Mademoiselle fragrance. The 21-year-old actress will appear in Chanel ads beginning in 2007, the company announced Wednesday. 

Knightley succeeds Kate Moss, whose contract expired last October. The 32-year-old British supermodel had starred in the Coco Mademoiselle ads since 2002.

Moss lost several high-profile modeling contracts last year after a tabloid published pictures of her allegedly using cocaine in a west London music studio.

"Keira Knightley is a bright, young actress who has already made her mark in a diverse portfolio of films, including her Oscar-nominated performance in `Pride & Prejudice,'" said Chanel artistic director Jacques Helleu in a statement.

He also said Knightley's elegance, beauty and modernity parallel some of the brand's other previous famous faces, including Catherine Deneuve and Nicole Kidman, who represented Chanel No. 5.

"(I am) really proud to have been asked to work with such an iconic house as Chanel, and thrilled to follow the extraordinary women who have been associated with it before," Knightley said in a statement.

Knightley's upcoming films include "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," which is set for release this summer.



expire: to come to an end; terminate(终止;到期)

make one's mark : 出名,成名