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[ 2006-06-13 17:39 ]


世界杯会歌  “Celebrate the day”(《庆祝这一天》)
演唱者 :Herbert Gronemeyer(赫伯特·格朗内每尔)

世界杯主题曲:The time of our lives(《生命之巅》)
:Il Divo & Toni Braxton (美声男伶 & 唐妮·布莱斯顿)




关于本届世界杯主题曲演唱者IL Divo ,请参照歌曲
I believe in you 里对Divo及他们演唱风格的详细介绍。

点击下一页 (2002年韩日世界杯主题曲)


The time of our lives      by IL Divo & Toni Braxton



There was a dream
Long time ago
There was a dream
Destined to grow

Hacerse pasion (To become passion)
Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)
El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way)
El deseo de ganar (the will to win)

For a lifetime of heartbreaks
That runs here today
We'll go all the way 


And, it feels like we're having
The time of our lives
Let's light the fire, find the plain
Let's come together as one in the same
'Cause it feels like we're having
The time of our lives
We'll find the glory in the game
All that we are, for all that we are
For time of our lives

Hoy es el dia (Today is the day)
Es la pasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)
Para hacer realidad el destino que sonabamos conseguir
(reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)
Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui
(A life of fight brought us here)
Y llegare hasta el final
(and I'll keep on till the end)
Heaven knows

1990年意大利世界杯一个点球结束了阿根廷队的世界杯之梦 马拉多纳这位被顶礼膜拜的教皇如婴儿般哭的那么无助

'Cause it feels like we're having
The time of our lives
Juntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor
(Together, united, the will to be the best will win)
'Cause it feels like we're having
The time of our lives
Hasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )
Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)
El momento llego (The moment arrived)

Ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar...
(And now I will never ever forget it...)

2005年9月22日因为IT 大力神杯在荷枪实弹地保卫下出现在中国北京嘉里中心酒店

'Cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives
Juntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el major
(Together, united, the will to be the best will win)
'Cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives
Hasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you)
El momento llego (The moment arrived)
El momento llego (The moment arrived)

We'll find the glory we'll be there
For all that we are
For one thing that we wanna be and all that we are
For the time of our lives
For the time of our lives


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