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Pride & Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》(精讲之五)
[ 2006-08-02 10:30 ]

影片对白 Mr. Darcy's proposal

考考你 小试牛刀



1940年版的电影是由Robert Z. Leonard 导演,Greer Garson (Elizabeth Bennet) 和Laurence Olivier (Mr. Darcy) 主演。整部电影并不太终于原著,导演将其拍成了喜剧风格的影片。扮演女主角的Greer Garson是第十五届奥斯卡影后获得者,她曾被11个国家授予“最受观众喜爱的演员”和“最佳女演员”的荣誉。男主角的扮演者Laurence Olivier则是有史以来莎翁戏剧最伟大的演员之一。这一版的电影获得了几项大奖:

Academy Award for Best Interior Design-Black and White, Cedric Gibbons-Art Direction, Paul Groesse-Art Direction

Elizabeth: You are very puzzling, Mr. Darcy. At this moment it is difficult to believe you are so proud.

Darcy: At this moment it is difficult to believe you are so prejudiced. Shall we not call quits and start again?

Mr. Bennett (to his daughter Elizabeth): An unhappy alternative is before you, Elizabeth. Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins. And I will never see you again if you do.

Page: 123








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