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[ 2006-08-28 09:48 ]


Mechanical clocks were invented in the northern hemisphere by inventors who were trying to make models of the sun's movement in the sky.

To watch the sun from the northern hemisphere, you have to face south. Then the sun will rise on your left and pass over your head to set on your right. Since the hour hand on the clock was made to follow the sun's motion through the sky, it moves from left to right over the top of the clock - clockwise. The hands are actually modeled after the shadow on a sundial.

hemisphere: 半球

sundial: 日晷仪:指示某地太阳时间的一种仪器,通过一个中心突出指针在围绕刻有标准刻度的日晷上的阴影来指示时间。

(英语点津 Annabel 编辑)








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