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Legends of the fall 《燃情岁月》(精讲之二)
[ 2006-09-06 11:26 ]

文化面面观  Amen (阿门) 这个词大家都常常听到,这是基督徒们常说的一个词。这个词究竟有什么魔力,基督徒们要常常把它挂在嘴边呢?

思想火花   苏珊娜的到来是整个家族命运的转折点。爱情没有错,她也没有错,可是悲剧还是造成了。这个弱小的女子承受了命运所有的错。


Colonel Ludlow: Alfred! Stop mooning over Miss Finncannon and come in here. Samuel wants to know about the young calves raised up in Cheyena. Come on, get in here.

Alfred: Please excuse my father. It makes him feel young and powerful to treat us like we're idiot children.

Colonel Ludlow: For this and all His countless blessings, may God's holy name be praised and blessed. Amen.

Alfred, Tristan, Samuel: Amen.

Tristan: Tell Father what you were saying about Vienna.

Colonel Ludlow: What's that?

Samuel: oh, it's the Kaiser. He won't stop them from annihilating Serbia.

Colonel Ludlow: Let's not talk about war at the table. Please.

Samuel: Susannah hears that all England is mobilizing. We're stuck out in the middle of nowhere while all this is going on.

Colonel Ludlow: Thank God for that.

Samuel: You wouldn't want us to evade our duty.

Colonel Ludlow: Wouldn't I?

Alfred: Father, with respect...

Susannah: Please excuse me for being late. I packed so carefully l couldn't find. Thank you.

All: Would you like some...

Colonel Ludlow: Dear Isabel, how strange to have a cultivated woman in the house again, and how intoxicating. Indeed to have all three of my sons under my roof again fills me with such a deep, quiet satisfaction that l thank God.


1. Moon over somebody

从字面上看是“月光照耀某人”,不禁让人联想到“月出皎兮,皎人僚兮”这样的句子,实际上这个短语是“daydreaming or doing silly things”的意思。Alfred 对 Susannah 一见钟情,虽然他行为得体,不像 Tristan 那么放肆,他老爹还是一眼就看穿他的想法了。 我们再来看个例子:Don't moon over her anymore. 别再对那个女孩发梦了。

2. Kaiser

德国皇帝的称呼,也是神圣罗马帝国Holy Roman Empire (962-1806)皇帝和奥地利 (1806-1918)皇帝的称呼。








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