为什么甜甜圈中间有个洞? [ 2006-09-13 10:15 ] 甜甜圈的中间都有一个洞,所以汉语中我们把它叫做“圈饼”。那么,这个洞到底是怎么来的呢?有人说,这是面包师傅们为了防止面饼炸不熟而弄的;也有的人说这个洞是一位船长灵机一动的创举。不论原因如何,这种“圈”的风行却是事实。
The question as to why doughnuts have holes has been raised by dozens
of bakers over the years, but most agree that the answer to this sticky question
lies in the fact that the interior of these fried cakes would not cook fully
without a hole in the center. In short, the consistency of a doughnut lacking a
hole would be, quite simply, doughy.
Another riveting theory as to the
origin of the bull's eye in the doughnut holds that a sea captain named Hanson
Gregory, while manning his post one stormy night, found it impossible both to
steer his vessel and to eat his fried cake. Out of sheer frustration, and
probably out of hunger, he impaled his cake over one of the spokes of the ship's
wheel, thereby creating a finger hold with which to grip the cake. Quite pleased
with his ingenuity, Mr. Gregory ordered the galley's cook to fry the cakes in
that manner henceforth.
Whatever the reason for the hole in the doughnut, this fried cake, with or
without a hole, has been incorporated into the diets of people throughout the
world for centuries. In fact, archaeologists found petrified fried cakes with
holes amongst the artifacts of a primitive Indian tribe.
Many credit Dutch settlers to America with introducing the non-holed
olykoeks, or "oily cakes," to this continent, and with their subsequent
There is no disputing the fact that the fried cake became the rage in New York and in New England, and that
before long, it became the specialty of coffee shops. Fried cakes came into
their own in 1673, when a self-made New York marketing guru, Anna Joralemon,
made their purchase at the market possible.
To this day, doughnuts, in any shape or form, remain married in our minds to
coffee and police officers, and are here to stay.
riveting: 吸引人的
rage: 风行
(英语点津 Annabel 编辑) |