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Monalisa Smile 《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》精讲之四
[ 2006-10-23 10:15 ]

影片对白  So the choice is yours, ladies. You can conform to what other people expect or you can--


3. Don't bother.

1)Don't bother, I'll do them myself later. 别麻烦了,我一会自己做。
2)I didn't bother to have the car checked, a mistake for which I paid dearly. 当时我为了省事没有检查汽车,这一失误让我付出了惨重代价。
3)Mrs. Wilkes, don't bother about your husband. 维尔克斯太太,您不必为你的先生担心。


Vincent Van Gogh  文森特·梵·高

Van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890), Dutch painter who exemplified the idea of the artist as tortured genius. His work represents the epitome of expressionism: color, line, and brush stroke are used to express the artist's emotional response to the subject rather than to describe it accurately.

Bedroom at Arles


The Starry Night




Betty: Don't disregard our traditions just because you're subversive.
Katherine: Don't disrespect this class just because you're married.
Betty: Don't disrespect me just because you're not.
Katherine: Come to class, do the work, or I'll fail you.
Betty: lf you fail me, there will be consequences.
Katherine: Are you threatening me?
Betty: I'm educating you.
Katherine: That's my job.

Monalisa Smile 《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》精讲之三 考考你 参考答案

1) "It's grotesque", he muttered, "you can't expect me to accept this!"

2) Being passive and receptive rather than active and aggressive, Carrie accepted the situation. Her state seemed satisfactory enough.

3) This work is beyond my grasp.


(英语点津 Annabel 编辑)









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