Six years later an even
bigger operation was launched called Operation
Solomon |
1985: Israel ends major Ethiopian rescue
mission |
England have
Israel has airlifted thousands of Jewish Ethiopian refugees out of
Sudan, it has emerged.
But Operation Moses, which has been taking place in secret since 21
November 1984, has now stopped since news of the covert airlift became
Press leaks have forced the Israeli Government to admit that about
8,000 Ethiopians fleeing famine-struck Ethiopia have now arrived in
The Arab world has been angered by Khartoum's decision to co-operate
with Israel and allow charter planes to fly from Sudan - which does not
recognise the country.
The Israeli Prime Minister, Shimon Peres, has insisted that Operation
Moses will continue.
Jewish people from Ethiopia are said to be able to trace their lineage
back almost 3,000 years and may be the descendants of King Solomon and the
Queen of Sheba.
They are a minority in Ethiopia where the major religions are
Christianity and Islam.
The Jewish community has suffered discrimination, particularly in
recent years under Marxist President Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam who
prohibited the practice of Judaism and the teaching of Hebrew.
The operation began following reports last September that more Jewish
refugees from Ethiopia were arriving in Sudan, and many were dying from
malnutrition .
Some of them, who now live in Israel, claim that details of Operation
Moses was leaked by Israelis who have been alarmed at the number of Jewish
refugees from Ethiopia arriving in the country.
Until recently they were not given Jewish status and public opinion in
Israel on the government's motives for launching Operation Moses are
Some believe its reasons are humanitarian, but others think the
refugees from Ethiopia are simply the latest immigrants to settle in
Israel and raise the numbers now living there.
There are now between 10,000 and 15,000 Jewish people from Ethiopia
living in Israel.
Estimates suggest there is still a similar figure living in famine-hit
villages in the Ethiopian province of Gondar and 1,000 in refugee camps in
Jewish people from Ethiopia who live in Israel claim the publicity
surrounding the operation has endangered the safety of refugees in