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[ 2007-03-05 17:24 ]

有人说,世界上只要有男人就会有战争;也有人说,世界上只要有女人存在,就会有遏制战争的力量…… 不管这些说法正确与否,07年妇女节来临之际,LT向您介绍国际上一个名为“International Lysistrata Project”(莉西斯特拉忒)的工程。它创建于2003年全球反对对伊战争的口号声中,而“Lysistrata”的名字则可追溯到古希腊时代一部伟大的戏剧,意为“为了促使战争早日结束,女性们对男性施行‘性’罢工……


Internationalt Lysistrata Project: let's make love, not war.

Have you ever heard of "International Lysistrata Project"? On March 3, 2003, fifty-nine countries hosted 1,029 readings of Lysistrata, Aristophane's anti-war comedy, to protest the Bush Administration's unilateral war on Iraq.

Readings were held in theatres large and small, schools, churches, libraries, in music halls, homes, cafes, community centers, clubs, subway cars, parks, and on street corners. More than 300,000 people attended readings organized by the 1,029 Lysistrata Project "spearheads."

Readings raised an estimated $125,000 for non-profit organizations working for peace and humanitarian aid. Some readings didn't raise money, but the fact that they occurred at all resonated as a powerful symbol of world citizens united for peace. For example, a secret reading in northern Iraq was organized by members of the international press corps, who had to keep quiet about it or risk losing their jobs.

The international Lysistrata Project participants earned the news coverage they received. The Project was featured on multiple CNN news programs, PBS' Lehrer News Hour, and many network and local news programs. Dozens of radio programs featured stories about the project, including NPR's All Things Considered and Dutch, French, German, Canadian, Japanese and Greek stations.

  Voice of the Lysistrata Project

The idea for Lysistrata Project was hatched in early January 2003, when New York actresses Kathryn Blume and Sharron Bower were inspired by Theaters Against War (THAW) to actually do something about their feelings regarding the war on Iraq.

Kathryn Blume says that the purpose of the Lysistrata Project is not education, but expression, and above all, "to make it clear that President Bush does not speak for all Americans."

"Though we are not necessarily suggesting these tactics be used to end this war, Lysistrata provides a humorous entree into a healthy community dialogue: What CAN the women do on a local level to stop "diplomacy by violence" in our world?"

Interviewed on NPR in January, Blume said the worldwide act of theatrical dissent aims to engage participants and audiences in antiwar dialogue. One of the hopes is to provide an alternative to the constant stream of war talk issuing from the White House and dominating the mass media.

  About the play Lysistrata

Lysistrata, a comedy by Greek dramatist Aristophanes (447 - 385 BC), tells the story of a group of women from opposing states who unite to end the Peloponnesian War .

After matronly stormtroopers take over the building where public funds are kept, the women rise to end the war by withholding sex from their mates -- Until, desperate for intimacy, the men finally agree to lay down their swords and see their way to achieving diplomatic peace.

The original Lysistrata was performed to a war-weary audience that had already endured two decades of civil war and still had seven more to go. The Athenians' army was decimated, their economy was in ruins, and, as they didn't have enough problems, they had recently undertaken a disastrous invasion of Sicily that wiped out nearly their entire fleet.

But Aristophanes knew how to please an audience; like all his theatrical works, Lysistrata is a fantasy and a happy one at that. Lysistrata helps negotiate a truce between Athens and Sparta and peace is restored across the land. The men lay down their swords, Lysistrata and her sisters open their arms (and their legs) and the bedrooms of Greece echo with the moans and sighs of conjugal bliss. Not so far out, really, when you think about it.



古希腊语中,Lysistrata含有“解散军队”的意思,剧本意在抗议Peloponnesian War战争。阿里斯托芬的新颖之处在于,他选择了两个非常通俗的元素“性”与“钱”来作为要挟停战的工具,并且在剧本中加入了大量的“性暗示”和黄色笑话。整个故事在作者巧妙的构思之下变得有趣而不枯燥,观众也可以明确地了解“性”与“钱”只是手段,政治的诉求才是剧本的主题。


由于其“反战”的主题,《莉西斯特拉忒》成为阿里斯托芬最常被搬上舞台的剧作之一。1872年,奥地利剧作家Ludwig Anzengruber曾将《莉西斯特拉忒》改编为“Die Kreuzelschreiber”(《十字划押的人》)。美国历史上第一位黑人奥斯卡影帝Sidney Poitier(西德尼·波蒂埃)就是由于在百老汇歌剧《莉西斯特拉忒》中的出色表现,才逐步走上荧幕的。


http://www.sparknotes.com/drama/lysistrata/summary.html 戏剧 Lysistrata 学习指南

http://www.gansudaily.com.cn/20030306/602/2003306A00612017.htm (新闻)美国女艺人号召妇女"性罢工"反战 

http://column.bokee.com/5441.html (新闻)从大街到舞台,好莱坞正在对美国对伊战争发起进攻




Aristophanes: 阿里斯托芬(约公元前447-前385年),古希腊喜剧之父。其剧本大多取材于雅典的社会生活、文学和哲学思想,或揭露上层统治阶级的残暴虚伪,或谴责希腊各国的混战,或表达老百姓对战争的厌恶和对和平的向往。语言以讽刺为主要特色,深受公众喜爱。

spearheads: the driving force in a given action, endeavor, or movement(先锋)

coverage: the extent or degree to which something is reported:(新闻报道)

hatch: to devise or originate(策划)

Peloponnesian War: 伯罗奔尼撒战争(公元前431-公元前404年),主要是古希腊两个强大城邦斯巴达和雅典之间为争夺霸权而爆发战争,因以斯巴达为首的伯罗奔尼撒同盟而得名。


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