“六一”系列1 [ 2007-05-31 20:15 ]
儿童是国家的未来的主人翁,因此,如何提供儿童一个良好的家庭、社会或是学习环境,乃是世界各国致力的目标。在儿童节来临之际让我们了解它的由来吧! |
Children's Day is a feast for every child!
I always thought
that the International Children's Day was introduced by the United Nations -
since it was always called "international" - but in reality the United Nations
proclaimed not the June but the November 20th as the Universal Children's Day -
by the resolution of the national assembly in 1954. November 20th - is devoted
to promoting the welfare of the children of the world.
The International
Children's Day has been introduced in Poland in the early fifties of XX century.
It was easily adopted by Polish children and adults - on the personal level as
well as in schools and other public institutions.


The stamps above commemorate International Children' Day in
Czechoslovakia in 1959. The text on these stamps say: "Peace to the
Children in the whole World" |
It coincided with the beginning of summer and since it takes place near the
end of the school year - it is usually treated as a holiday. Children attend
schools at this day - but school usually organizes for them some special
activities - like outdoor plays or the field trips.
This day and also the
whole week of the beginning of June is the time of the festivities organized in
the parks and entertainment centers. The parents usually buy some small gifts to
their kids - the smaller the children the bigger the gifts.
a stamp from Czechoslovakia's International Children's Day
Celebration in 1974 |
The origin of the International Children's Day
reaches 1925 year. Two important events took place on June 1st in 1925 - the
World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children in Geneva; in the same time the
Chinese consul-general in San Francisco gathered a number of Chinese orphans to
celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.
The celebrating of June 1st as the International Children's Day was initiated
by the International Federation of Democratic Women during their meeting in Fall
June 1st as Children Day is celebrated not only in Poland but also
in Czech republic, in Slovakia, Russia, Baltic republic and also in the Eastern
part of the Germany. The rest of the world celebrated the Children's Day either
in a different time, sometimes in a bit different form. In many countries
children do not have their special day or... they have their special days all
around the year!
通讯员东华大学傅丽莉投稿) |