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September 2
[ 2007-09-03 09:03 ]
General MacArthur signs for the Allies on board battleship Missouri
1945: Japan signs unconditional surrender

England have

Japanese officials have signed the act of unconditional surrender, finally bringing to an end six years of world war.

In the presence of 50 Allied generals and other officials, the Japanese envoys boarded the American battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay to sign the surrender document.

Within half-an-hour of the signing, a convoy of 42 US ships entered Tokyo Bay and landed 13,000 American troops.

The Supreme Commander of the Allied powers, US General Douglas MacArthur, briefly addressed the dignitaries on the deck of the battleship urging them to comply with the terms of the surrender "fully, promptly and faithfully".

He continued: "It is my earnest hope and, indeed, the hope of all mankind, that from this solemn occasion a better world shall emerge out of the blood and carnage of the past; a world founded upon faith and understanding, a world dedicated to the dignity of man and the fulfilment of his most cherished wish, for freedom, tolerance and justice."

He also referred to the nuclear bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, saying they had "revised the traditional concept of war". The world had had its last chance, he said, and if it did not devise some greater and more equitable system Armageddon would be at its door.

Under the terms of the ceasefire, Japan has agreed to end all hostilities, release all prisoners of war, and comply with the terms of the Potsdam declaration, which confines its sovereignty to the four main islands which make up Japan.

It has also agreed to acknowledge the authority of the US supreme commander. Although Emperor Hirohito will be allowed to remain as a symbolic head of state.

From today the occupying force will be rapidly increased to about 500,000. British landing forces are expected to be relieved by US Army troops within a few days. Some will return home to Britain, others may be deployed for the reoccupation of surrendered ports.

The Japanese Prime Minister, Prince Higashi Kuni, broadcast an appeal to his people to obey the terms of the surrender.

He said the Japanese had to face defeat squarely and "suffer even the insufferable" in seeking to comply with the Emperor's surrender proclamation.

Marshal Joseph Stalin has welcomed the unconditional surrender of Japan.

Under the terms of the agreement the disputed southern Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands will pass into Soviet hands. The islands have been occupied by Japan since the Russo-Japanese war of 1904.

The collection shows off the textiles of the year - cotton, rayon and wool

1951: Designers prepare to dazzle Venice

Artificially 1969: FilmTheTheAA British fashion designers have revealed the collection they plan to send to Venice later this week as part of the city's Biennale arts festival.

Last week, they showed off an array of 40 ladies' outfits at a London restaurant before packing them up for the Venice show.

The collection aims to demonstrate the versatility of the three most favoured textiles of the year - cotton, rayon and wool.

The models and their mannequins will be flown to Italy this week by the "big ten" members of the Incorporated Society of London Fashion Designers for the Venice festival of arts and costume.

One of the evening gowns on show was of a simple but elegant design with a full skirt in checked gingham in four colours with a strapless bodice in velvet.

Another more elaborate evening dress was made of white gossamer wool with a neckline and stole embroidered in sequins.

Among the collection were more traditional tailored suits but in striking colours such as red and scarlet.

The most glamorous gown was a full-skirted wedding dress in delicate white print on pink organdie.

As well as heralding the latest fashions from around the world Venice plans to celebrate the history of clothing with a special exhibition called Costume through the Ages.

It opened today at the International Centre of Arts and Costume at the Palazzo Grassi and includes a selection of rare books illustrating the history of costume.

Also in association with the Venice Biennale there will be a Festival of Fashion and Costume in Film Production.


envoy: a diplomat having less authority than an ambassador(外交使节;特使)

carnage :Great destruction of life, as in battle; bloodshed; slaughter; massacre; murder; havoc(大屠杀)

versatility: having a wide variety of skills(多功能性)

mannequin :a woman who wears clothes to display fashions(人体模型;服装模特)

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