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I should have learned more ...
[ 2008-08-12 16:37 ]

周衍冰 北京大学通讯员

I am a volunteer in the National Stadium, or Bird’s Nest, for the news service. It's the 11th of August and I went to the Bird’s Nest today to have my last training session before the competition on the 15th.

Although our task isn't complex, we have been training since January 15th, 2006. It's boring and tough to have similar training every time. Therefore, we don't have so much passion when it comes to training now.

I thought I had got enough knowledge because I had served in the ‘Good Luck Beijing’ 2008 BBMG IAAF Race Walking Challenge in April and the China Athletics Open in May. However, what happened this afternoon changed my mind.

Maybe I have had enough skills and experience to serve in my role but I hadn't acquired enough knowledge to offer a perfect service to the world.

When we finished the training at the gate of the Bird’s Nest, three foreign girls came to me asking for help. She asked: "Can you speak English?" I nodded. Then she told me that she wanted to go to the Beijing Olympic Green Hockey Stadium but didn't know how to go there more conveniently.

I hadn't gone there before and so I didn't know how to go there conveniently. I said "by taxi". They thanked me then went for the taxi. I was so happy that I could offer help to a person in need.

Later I became troubled and anxious when another volunteer told me that taking No.1 subway to the Beijing Olympic Green Hockey Stadium was the best and most convenient way. Because of the Olympic Games the taxi would have to go around farther than before. I felt so ashamed to have given the wrong information. I took it for granted that the taxi was more convenient. If I have the chance to meet the girls again, I want to say sorry to them.

The event taught me a good lesson that I should have learned more when I had the chance. My classmate, who also volunteers in the Birds Nest, told me that it wasn't late to learn more. We have made a decision to remember more information so as to offer a perfect service during the competition.

(实习生 屈上 英语点津Annabel编辑)

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