中国日报网 2016-12-22 10:05
China released its annual characters and words of 2016 on Tuesday.The annual character on Chinese issues goes to 规(rule), and the annual character on international issues goes to 变(change). 小目标(small goal) was selected as the annual word on Chinese issues, while 一带一路(the belt and road) became the annual word on international issues.
2016年度十大网络用语:洪荒之力(prehistoric power), 友谊的小船(the ship of friendship), 定个小目标(set a small goal), 吃瓜群众(the people who are kept in the dark), 辣眼睛(It is an eyesore/It's blinding me), 全是套路(It's all tricks), 老司机(veteran netizen), 厉害了我的哥(My brother, you're really something/you rock!)。
2016年度十大流行语:长征精神(Long March spirit), 两学一做(学党章党规、学系列讲话,做合格党员,Two Studies, One Action), 杭州G20峰会(Hangzhou G20 summit), 南海(South China Sea), 里约奥运会(Rio Olympics), 脱欧(exit from the EU), 美国大选 (US presidential election), 亲信干政(confidante's intervention in government affairs), 天宫二号(Tiangong II), 阿尔法围棋 (AlphaGo)。
2016年度十大新词语:两学一做(学党章党规、学系列讲话,做合格党员,Two Studies, One Action), 表情包(emoji package), 洪荒之力(prehistoric power), 阿尔法围棋(AlphaGo), 网络大电影(online blockbusters), 摩拜单车(mobike), 山寨社团(fake social organizations), 吃瓜群众(the spectators/public who are kept in the dark), 闺蜜门(Choi-gate)。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)