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中国日报网 2017-05-16 13:34




Chinese courts will make further efforts to ensure justice during the development of the Belt and Road Initiative with improved judicial services for legal disputes involving foreign entities.

The Supreme People's Court plans to set up a dispute resolution center for cases related to the initiative, and further develop its international maritime judicial research institute, Liu Jingdong, deputy head of the fourth civil division of the top court, said on Monday.

5月15日,最高人民法院发布人民法院涉“一带一路”建设10起典型案例,涉及信用证开证(issuance of letters of credit)、股权转让合同(equity transfer contracts)、居间合同(intermediary contract)、独立保函(independent guarantee)、海域污染损害赔偿(marine pollution compensation)、海上货物运输合同(contract of carriage of goods by sea)、承认和执行外国仲裁裁决(recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards)、承认和执行外国商事判决(recognition and enforcement of foreign commercial judgments)等案件,都是“一带一路”建设中常见的纠纷类型,案件所涉的法律问题均具有很强的代表性。

刘敬东表示,2017年,最高法院将围绕司法服务和保障“一带一路”建设,做好四方面工作:一是健全服务国家经济发展战略的司法保障机制(judicial services will be further improved to safeguard the development of the Belt and Road Initiative);二是加强涉外司法解释和司法政策的制定(draft more legal interpretations on laws applied in cases concerning foreign entities as well as related judicial principles to facilitate judges' rulings),就承认和执行外国民商事判决、对外担保等涉外审判疑难问题出台司法解释,着手制定有关船员劳务纠纷(labor disputes involving maritime crews)、海洋资源与生态污染损害赔偿纠纷(damages and compensation for maritime resources and ecological pollution)的司法解释;三是建立健全科学的涉外商事海事审判权运行机制(establish and improve the mechanism of commercial and maritime jurisdiction concerning foreign entities);四是继续深入推进涉外商事海事审判精品战略建设。

(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)


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