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中国日报网 2018-02-06 11:30



A watchtower of the Palace Museum and the blue sky in Beijing on Jan 22, 2018. [Photo/VCG]

The Chinese government has announced plans to roll out a three-year plan to ensure greater achievements in air pollution control.

除制定实施打赢蓝天保卫战三年作战计划(three-year plan on defending the blue sky)外,今年还要出台京津冀及周边地区(the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas)、长三角(the Yangtze River Delta)、汾渭平原(the Fenhe and Weihe plain)等重点区域大气污染防治实施方案。

环保部部长李干杰表示,到2020年,全国未达标城市PM2.5平均浓度要比2015年降低18%,地级及以上城市优良天数比例达到80%(to increase the number of good air quality days in the prefecture-level cities and above to 80 percent by 2020)。这也是“十三五”规划提出的约束性指标。

在产业、能源、运输三大结构调整方面,今年我国将稳步推进北方地区清洁取暖(promoting the use of clean energy in winter heating in north China),加快淘汰燃煤小锅炉(speeding up elimination of small coal-fired boilers),并开展煤气发生炉专项整治行动。推动减少公路运输(lowering percentage of road transport)、提高铁路货运比例(increasing percentage of rail freight),整治柴油货车超标排放(cracking down on excessive emission of diesel-powered trucks)。继续推进燃煤电厂超低排放改造,启动钢铁行业超低排放改造,加强重点行业挥发性有机物治理(strengthening management of VOC in key industries),开展“散乱污”企业及集群全面排查整治。


生态环境保护 ecology and environmental protection

大气污染防治行动计划 Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Air Pollution

煤改气、煤改电项目 coal-to-gas and coal-to-electricity projects

水污染防治 prevent and control water pollution

中央环境保护督查 central government inspections on environmental protection accountability

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