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上海合作组织官网 2018-06-07 15:17





One of the most important SCO tasks in the field of information support to its activities will be a promotion of the SCO positive image among the member states’ citizens, and of the SCO adequate image throughout the world and in the region. This should serve as a catalyst for the convergence of the member states and their peoples and strengthening of good neighborliness and mutual trust between them.


The member states will facilitate contacts and exchanges among media, regular provision to media of updated materials on the ongoing SCO work and political, economic, cultural and humanitarian achievements, as well as promotion of information about the Organization to the international media.




SCO is open for accession by interested states which meet the criteria and terms set forth in the SCO legal documents, including the Regulation on the procedure for admitting new members to the SCO and the model Memorandum of Commitments of a state applying for the SCO membership.


The member states believe that the effective response to the challenges in the field of security and stability and active promotion of the economic and humanitarian cooperation within SCO can be ensured only by the combined efforts at a regional level.


The SCO expansion reflects the principle of the Organization’s openness, set forth in its Charter. Accession of new members to SCO will be based on the strict compliance with and fulfillment by applicant states of their contractual and legal obligations in respect of SCO. If necessary, the member states may hold bilateral consultations with the applicant states in order to gain mutual understanding of the issues of mutual interest.


Participation of the SCO observer states and dialogue partners in its activities is an important component of the SCO operation. SCO observer states will continue to be invited to the public meetings of the Council of Heads of State, Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers), and meeting of heads of ministries and agencies of the member states. The SCO dialogue partners will be actively engaged in ministerial and expert meetings in the areas of mutual interest, as set forth in the respective memoranda.


Cooperation in the security area will be strengthened through the establishment of cooperation of the observer states and dialogue partners with the competent authorities of the SCO member states aimed at combating terrorism, separatism and extremism, as well as at combating illicit drug trafficking and other forms of organized transnational crime.


Flexible terms of participation in SCO project activities will enable the SCO observer states and dialogue partners to be involved in the trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation.


At the same time, the mechanism of regular consultations with the observer states and dialogue partners will continue to be improved in order to strengthen the relations with these countries and increase the practical results of cooperation in various fields.


Enhanced cooperation with the SCO observer states and dialogue partners will create prerequisites for the future establishment of a partnership system that promotes peace and security and development of mutually beneficial cooperation in the SCO region.




In the coming period, the efforts to expand the SCO international relations will be accentuated in order to further enhance the Organization's role in shaping the new global and regional architecture and strengthening its authority in the world.


The SCO member states will assign priority to the cooperation with the UN, especially in matters of maintaining international peace and security and promoting development on the basis of the Joint Declaration on Cooperation between the Secretariats of the SCO and the United Nations of 2010. The priority areas will include combating terrorism and drug trafficking, implementing the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, following up on the issue of international information security on the basis of the “Rules of conduct in the field of international information security” elaborated by SCO.


The member states are convinced that the United Nations should play a central coordinating role in world affairs, and they favor improved efficiency of its mechanisms, including the UN Security Council reform, in order to ensure an adequate response to modern challenges and changing political and economic realities, and maintain and restore international peace and security. They believe that the reform of the UN Security Council should make it more representative and effective through having the widest possible consultations aimed at a “package solution” that ensures the UN member states cohesion, without setting artificial deadlines and imposing options that have not enjoyed the wide support of the UN member states.


SCO will make efforts to strengthen cooperation with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime. UNESCAP will continue to be an important partner of the SCO in the trade and economic field, especially in matters of transport infrastructure development and fostering an enabling environment for international transport.


SCO plans to establish official relations and practical cooperation with other United Nations organs, specialized agencies and offices.


In accordance with Chapter VIII of the UN Charter and its own Charter, SCO, as an international organization, will continue to play an active role in maintaining regional peace, security and stability.


The member states will enhance dialogue, exchanges and cooperation with international and regional organizations having official relations with SCO.


Establishment of relations and practical cooperation with regional integration organizations, including through the signing of relevant cooperation documents, will remain an important element of the SCO international relations.


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The member states are convinced that the consistent implementation of the Strategy will strengthen the SCO as a consolidated, efficient multidisciplinary international organization that ensures regional security and stability, economic cooperation and increased welfare of its member states’ citizens. By 2025, the SCO will strengthen its position in the global and regional architecture by actively working in support of building a polycentric democratic system of international relations.



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