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CHINADAILY手机报 2018-10-20 08:30


一周新闻热词榜,一网打尽trending news。



1. 医闹
illegal acts targeting medical staff and institutions

A doctor examines a patient at a hospital in Liuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region on April 9, 2018. [Photo/VCG]

People who attack medical staff will be placed on a blacklist, according to a circular released by the National Development and Reform Commission on Tuesday that is designed to deter illegal acts targeting medical staff and institutions.

根据发改委等28个部门联合印发的《关于对严重危害正常医疗秩序的失信行为责任人实施联合惩戒合作备忘录》,对暴力杀医伤医以及在医疗机构寻衅滋事等严重危害正常医疗秩序的失信行为,建立健全失信联合惩戒(joint punishment)机制。联合惩戒对象是指因实施或参与涉医违法犯罪活动(perform or be involved in illegal acts related to medical staff or institutions),被公安机关处以行政拘留(administrative detention)以上处罚,或被司法机关追究刑事责任(criminal liability)的严重危害正常医疗秩序的自然人。

严重危害正常医疗秩序的失信行为包括:在医疗机构内故意伤害医务人员、损毁公私财物(purposefully injure medical staff or damage public and personal property in hospitals);非法限制医务人员人身自由(illegally restrict personal freedom of medical staff);非法携带枪支、弹药、管制器具或危险物品进入医疗机构(carry guns, ammunition, restricted tools or hazardous items into hospitals illegally);侮辱恐吓医务人员(insult and threaten medical staff);倒卖医院号源等破坏、扰乱医院正常诊疗秩序的涉医违法犯罪活动等。

对严重危害正常医疗秩序的失信行为责任人实施的联合惩戒措施包括:限制补贴性资金支持(restrictions in getting government subsidies);限制招录(聘)为公务员或事业单位工作人员;限制其乘坐飞机、列车软卧(soft sleepers on trains)、G字头动车组列车、其他动车组列车一等以上座位等高消费(high-end consumption)及其他非生活和工作必需的消费行为;将严重危害正常医疗秩序的失信行为人纳入全国信用信息共享平台(national credit information sharing platform)并通报其所在单位等。

医患关系 patient-doctor relation
医暴 violence against medical staff
医疗纠纷 medical dispute
改善医疗服务 improve healthcare services
门诊 outpatient service

2. 积分落户
point-based household registration

Around 6,000 non-natives of Beijing will be able to get the city's hukou, or household registration status, through a new point-based household registration system.

日前,备受关注的北京今年积分落户(point-based household registration)工作正式进入公示阶段。按照北京市积分落户管理办法关于落户规模统筹考虑城市承载能力和人口调控目标(population control target)的要求,今年北京市确定的积分落户规模为6000人,对应的最低分值为90.75分,按照"同分同落"原则,实际公示名单(name list)共6019人,公示期截止到本月22日。这6019位过线人员成为北京积分落户政策的首批受益者(beneficiary)。

北京市首批积分落户申报工作于今年4月16日正式启动,6月14日结束,共有124657人进行了申报。此次面向社会公示的拟取得落户资格人员总体呈现出"在京稳定工作时间长、年龄跨度大(a broad age spectrum)、行业分布广和获得奖励加分(get bonus points)人员更具优势"的特点。据北京市积分落户工作部门介绍,在积分落户政策试行期间(pilot period),年度落户规模将保持在6000人(quota for new hukou holders will be set at 6,000 each year)。

北京积分落户在政策试行期间每年申报一次。今年未取得落户资格、明年继续符合政策规定的四项资格条件的申请人,只需登录积分落户在线申报(online application)系统查看上一年度申报信息,选择更新需要变更的内容,其他无变化信息不用重新填报,系统将予以保留。四项资格条件是指:持有《北京市居住证(residence permit)》、不超过法定退休年龄(legal retirement age)、在京连续缴纳社会保险(social insurance)7年及以上且无刑事犯罪记录(without a criminal record)。

常住人口 permanent population
流动人口 migrant population
人口承载能力 population capacity
稳定就业 stable employment
外地人 non-native


3. 人造月亮
man-made moon

An astronomer stargazes ahead of the supermoon on Sept 27, 2015 in Brighton, England. [Photo/VCG]

China's man-made moon conception is expected to be realized in 2022, the Science and Technology Daily reported.

据四川成都天府新区系统科学研究会主任武春风介绍,"人造月亮(man-made moon)"是一种携带大型空间反射镜(carry a huge space mirror)、可将太阳光反射到地球上(reflect the sun light to the Earth)的卫星。武春风称,按照相关研发计划(research plans),2020年"人造月亮"完成从发射(launch)、入轨(orbit injection)、展开(unfolding)、照明(illumination)到调控(adjustment and control)的整体验证工作后,2022年3颗"人造月亮"将在我国三大卫星发射基地选其一展开发射工作。

他表示:"届时,这3面巨大的反射镜将等分360度的轨道平面(divide the 360-degree orbital plane),3颗'月亮'交替运行可实现对同一地区24小时不间断照射(illuminate an area for 24 hours continuously),反射的太阳光可覆盖地表3600至6400平方公里的范围。"预计其光照强度最大将是月光的8倍(the illumination intensity is expected to be up to eight times that of the moon light)。

"人造月亮"在民用领域用处格外大(be especially useful in civil areas)。据武春风介绍,用"人造月亮"来照明一个50平方公里的区域,每年可节约电费开支约12亿元(save about 1.2 billion yuan of electric charge)。武春风说,目前,中国、俄罗斯、美国、日本、欧盟等都在开展空间能源应用(space energy application)项目的技术攻关(tackle key technical problems)与验证,希望为人类夜间活动(nighttime activities)带来便利。

空间站 space station
近地轨道 low-Earth orbit
探月任务 lunar probe mission
月球表面 moonscape
太空垃圾 space debris


4. 种族歧视
racial discrimination

A lawsuit alleging racial discrimination against Asian-Americans in Harvard University's admissions process headed to trial in Boston's federal court Monday.

在庭审中,"学生支持公平招生"组织的律师在长达1小时的开庭陈述(opening statement)中指控哈佛大学故意使用模糊不清的"个人评价"来拒绝亚裔美国申请人而照顾其他种族背景的学生(use a vague "personal rating" to reject Asian-American applicants in favor of students from other racial backgrounds)。

诉讼书称,亚裔美国申请人的学习成绩优于其他任何一个种族(Asian-American applicants bring stronger academic records than any other race),但他们的录取率最低(they are admitted at the lowest rate)。该组织说,这是因为哈佛大学给他们的个人评价分数较低(give them lower scores on the personal rating)。

哈佛大学的律师团队则否认存在任何歧视行为,称种族仅仅是考虑因素之一(race is just one factor that's considered),只会增加学生被录取的可能性。此次庭审对其他数十所美国高校具有重大意义(carry weighty implications for dozens of other US colleges)。

大学招生 college admission
种族偏见 racial bias
受欢迎程度 likeability
个人特质 personal traits
平权法案 Affirmative Action


5. 人生模拟游戏
life simulation game

"Chinese Parents", a new life simulation game in Mandarin, is gaining popularity and praise among players for its mirroring of real life.

这款游戏的主线任务(main task of the game)紧紧围绕中国孩子的"头等大事(top priority)"——升学展开,这对许多中国家长来说都是一项艰巨的挑战(demanding challenge)。游戏的最大亮点(the biggest draw)在于其一招一式都别具中国特色(Chinese characteristics),游戏中人物的许多情节都取自日常生活(many episodes are inspired by daily life),比如帮父母"挣面子"、"给面子"("saving" and "giving" face for parents)、过年发红包(red envelope)时的来回推搡、班干部竞选的"心机(strategy)"等情节设定让网友直呼"太现实"。

游戏开发团队表示,这些情节的设置一部分取材自开发团队自身的经历(personal experiences),甚至有人去翻了爷爷的回忆录。另外,他们也会从朋友、社交媒体、抖音、B站、网络直播(live video streaming),甚至亲子讲座中寻找素材。

目前这款模拟养成类游戏在网游平台(online game platform)STEAM上的排名为第五,玩家好评度达88%(get likes from 88% of players),在手游分享社区(mobile game sharing community)TapTap上该款游戏的评分也高达9.5分,更有超过93万人已经预约它的手游版本(make reservations for the game's mobile version)。业内人士称,这款游戏之所以这么火是因为许多国人对其中的亲子关系产生了共鸣(the child-parent relationship in the game strikes a chord with many Chinese)、且游戏本身制作精良(the game also is well made)。

电子游戏 video game
网络游戏 online game
游戏成瘾 game addiction
防沉迷系统 anti-addiction system
电子竞技 electronic sports, e-sports

(编辑:刘明 彭娜 丁一)

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