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《权力的游戏》最终季宣传照发布 你能看懂这些苦瓜脸上的故事吗?

中国日报网 2019-02-14 08:53


12. Jaime Lannister 詹姆·兰尼斯特

Expression: “I would very much like to die now”


Jaime is one of the few characters on the show whose morality has actually improved over the course of the eight seasons. Once a self-satisfied, murderous douche, Jaime has transformed into, arguably, the moral compass of the show. But everywhere he turns, he’s surrounded by evil, most of all in the form of his sister and lover, Cersei. Jamie puts on a happy face, but we all know he’s dying a slow, miserable death inside.



(来源:石英财经网 编译:丹妮)

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