在谈论和做饭有关的话题时,动词 “stew” 指 “用文火慢炖” 的烹饪方法。但在谈论人和事物时,“stew” 可以用来指一个人 “独自烦恼” 的表现;或让一件不好的事情或人 “缓和、平静下来”。在表达这层意思的时候,“stew” 可与 “let” 搭配使用,即 “let…stew”,意思是 “让……事情/人平静下来”。
I think you should speak to your girlfriend quickly before she has time to stew on the argument.
After our argument, I let things stew for a while. Eventually, my friend apologised.
Oh! Just ignore what he said! He’s in a bad mood! Let him stew for a while until he is ready to say sorry.