中国日报网 2020-03-01 10:00
减免企业社会保险费 cut corporate contributions to social insurance
To help enterprises withstand the epidemic and stabilize employment, the country will cut corporate contributions to the old-age pension, unemployment and workplace safety insurance funds by at least 500 billion yuan this year, according to You Jun, vice-minister of human resources and social security.
我国的社保制度(social insurance system)由五险一金组成。所谓五险一金,即养老保险(endowment insurance)、医疗保险(medical insurance)、失业保险(unemployment insurance)、工伤保险(employment injury insurance)和生育保险(maternity insurance),及住房公积金(housing provident fund)。
Nationwide micro, small-and medium-sized enterprises-as well as all types of enterprises in Hubei province, the outbreak epicenter-will be eligible for exemption of the old-age pension, unemployment and workplace safety insurance payments from February to June.
Large enterprises outside Hubei will see their contributions halved from February to April.
Companies undergoing severe difficulties due to the epidemic are eligible for the deferral of the three types of social insurance payments for as long as six months.No overdue fine will be charged during this period.
Before the end of June, companies may also apply for deferring their payments to the housing provident fund. Failure by employees to repay their housing provident fund loans due to the epidemic will not be taken as a default.
一线医护人员 frontline medical workers
Front-line medical workers in Hubei province, including those with medical assistance teams from other parts of the country, will have their salaries tripled during the epidemic control fight, and subsidies for them will be further boosted, according to the document.
Streamlined procedures to facilitate compensation for work-related infections will be provided.
Front-line medical workers who have participated in epidemic prevention and control will be given preference in cases of getting promotions or applying for professional titles.
Clean and nutritious meals should be provided, together with comfortable living environment and commuter services.
The circular also stressed that demand for protective equipment at designated hospitals, fever clinics and quarantine facilities must be prioritized.
Medical workers will take mandatory rest after long working hours, their paid vacation days should be increased after the epidemic.
Medical workers will receive mental health consultation.
Family members of medical workers who have difficulties in their daily lives will receive greater support, according to the circular. They will gain improved access to medical care, and community officials will be responsible for providing assistance to them, including their children.
We should safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of medical workers.
We should award outstanding medical workers and honor those who died fighting the epidemic as martyrs, and give preferential treatment to their children in school enrolling.
景区实名制购票 real-name ticketing at scenic spots
The guidelines required real-name ticketing, registration of tourists' contact and travel information and big data-powered monitoring of tourist information as scenic attractions have gradually started reopening to the public.
各地恢复开放的景区应严控游客流量(control tourist volume),有效采取门票预约、智慧引导等手段,科学分流疏导游客,防止人员聚集(avoid crowds)。
应采取分时段、间隔性办法安排游客入园(allow tourists admission during different time periods),景区出入口(entrances and exits of scenic spots)、重要参观点(hot tourist spots)等容易出现人员聚集的位置要配备管理人员,加强游客秩序管理。
指南鼓励各景区采取互联网售票(online ticketing)、二维码验票(check in with QR code)等方式减少人员接触,游客在测量体温、佩戴口罩后方可入园(tourists should have their temperatures taken and wear masks before entrance)。
对发现疑似病例的景区,要立即采取隔离措施(take quarantine measures),加强密切接触者追踪(tracking close contacts)、疫点消毒工作(disinfection),并暂时关闭景区,待情况得到控制后,再按程序报批恢复开放。
景区恢复开放前应做好员工健康监测和报告(monitor and report their employees' health conditions),掌握员工出行轨迹(travel records)等情况,对来自疫情严重地区的人员要实施隔离观察,实行“一进一测一登记”制度,进入景区前须进行体温检测。
硕士研究生扩招 expand enrolment of postgraduates
he meeting decided to expand the enrolment of postgraduates and degree programs for junior college graduates, create more jobs in medical and social services at the community level, and strengthen support for micro and small enterprises to recruit more college graduates.
在国外大学招生的过程中,经常会看到admission和enrolment这两个词,具体说来,admission指的是这个学校的招生条件,符合这个条件的学生都可以报考/申请这个学校,所以,admission一般指整个的招生录取过程;而enrolment则指最后被学校录取、学生入校注册。当然,admission在日常的使用中还有“准许进入(某地)”的意思,比如admission fee就是“入场费、门票费”。
A total of 3.41 million people took part in China's 2020 national entrance exam for postgraduate studies in Decembber, 510,000 more than last year, the Ministry of Education said. A record 8.74 million university students are expected to graduate this year.
引导用人单位推迟面试和录取时间(postpone interviews and hiring),对延迟离校应届毕业生推迟报到、落户等时限(delay the registration time and settlement of hukou for graduates who defer their graduation)。
对离校未就业高校毕业生提供2年户口和档案托管(unemployed graduates can have their hukou and personal files held in trust for two years),按应届毕业生身份办理就业手续。
积极扩大农民工就业。加大稳岗和就业补助。拓宽就地就近就业渠道(create more local or nearby jobs)。
新上一批带动就业能力强的项目(a group of new projects providing a large number of posts will be approved)。
重大工程建设、以工代赈项目优先吸纳贫困劳动力(prioritize poverty-stricken workers in recruitment)。
共享员工 employee sharing
Several Chinese companies are temporarily hiring — or “sharing” — employees from businesses that haven’t resumed operations or are only partially operating due to concerns over the novel coronavirus epidemic. The so-called shared employees, known as gongxiang yuangong in Chinese, are being hired by supermarkets, e-commerce platforms’ retail stores, and other companies or factories to ease the workforce crunch.
According to domestic media outlet National Business Daily, more than 3,000 new employees had joined Hema as of Feb 19, while over 4,000 people had signed up for the “talent-sharing” plan under Suning’s logistics arm as of Feb 21. The American supermarket chain Walmart has also joined in the trend, hiring more than 3,000 temporary workers from other sectors to work at its branches in cities like Beijing, Fuzhou, and Shenzhen.
Bike-sharing company Hellobike has opened 8,000 positions nationwide for bicycle maintenance, according to state-owned Xinhua News Agency. In Hefei, capital of the eastern Anhui province, Hellobike is seeking 300 temporary workers, while 40 employees from a local hotel have started working at an industrial park on one-month contracts.
中南财经政法大学数字经济研究院执行院长盘和林指出,“共享员工(employee sharing)”在暂时劳动力过剩的传统餐饮业与暂时劳动力紧缺的新兴电商零售平台之间激发了劳动共享,传统餐饮企业、电商零售平台和员工三方都解了燃眉之急(address the pressing need of traditional catering enterprises, e-commerce platforms and workers)。
Yao Junchang, a lawyer with Beijing Weiheng Law Firm, told Workers’ Daily that companies hiring temporary workers should include detailed provisions in their agreements, including the duration of employment, salary and policy for work-related injury compensation.
“At the same time, the companies lending the employees should sign a complete secondment arrangement, pay employees in full, and pay social security on time,” he said. “Employees should pay more attention to safety precautions and require a tripartite agreement or labor agreement to be signed during the temporary employment period and keep records as evidence.”
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)