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中国日报网 2021-03-01 09:00


唐宫夜宴 Palace Banquet in Tang Dynasty



The classical dance program Palace Banquet in Tang Dynasty created by Zhengzhou Song & Dance Theater has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms and won much acclaim from netizens after its debut at the 2021 Henan TV Spring Festival Gala.


这里的acclaim用作名词,表示“(公开的)赞誉,称赞,赞扬”,上文中的搭配win acclaim from someone就是“受到某人的赞誉”,我们还可以说someone deserves the acclaim he/she has received(某人受到的赞誉是当之无愧的)。此外,acclaim也可以直接用作动词表示“称赞,赞誉”,相当于praise或applaud,上文的表述也可以改写为the program was widely acclaimed by netizens。


The program presents a banquet at which plump and lovable girls in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) sometimes dress themselves up and sometimes play together. Many say it is pretty much like walking in an ancient painting scroll which shows the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty in an incisive and vivid way.


Plump在这里是一个形容词,表示“having a full rounded usually pleasing form”,用中文来表述就是“圆润的,丰腴的(身材)”,是一个比较积极正面的词。我们熟知的fat如果用来形容别人的身材,则有一些冒犯之意,要慎用。Overweight和obese则是在健康领域常用的两个词,客观形容某个人“超重”或“肥胖”。


Fourteen dancers wearing jumpsuits filled with sponge and with special cotton in their mouths recreate the plump figures of Tang Dynasty females. Besides, crescent-shaped makeup and costumes resembling Tang tri-colored pottery make audiences feel like travelling to the Tang Dynasty 1,300 years ago.


据河南春晚总导演陈雷介绍,《唐宫夜宴》由2020年郑州歌舞剧院在第十二届中国舞蹈荷花奖中的参赛作品《唐俑》改编而来(adapted from an entry in the 12th Chinese Dance Lotus Award in 2020)。

Modern digital technology such as 3D and AR are used to produce a combination of virtual scene with real stage, along with nifty dance moves of actresses and demonstration of national treasures, have all made the show impressive .


Fu Hao Xiao Zun (Bronze wine vessel in the shape of owl)

Lian He Fang Hu (Rectangular wine vessel with lotus and crane)

the Jiahu Bone Flutes


Chinese classical dance is deeply rooted in the nation's excellent traditional culture, we visit many museums every year, trying to get some inspiration for our creation. When we saw the distinctive Tang Dynasty singing and dancing figurines at Henan Museum and Luoyang Museum, we began to think how to recreate such scenes in our dance work with artistic skills.


家务劳动补偿 housework compensation


The ruling, made by Beijing Fangshan District People's Court, ordered a man, surnamed Chen, to pay 50,000 yuan ($7,700) to his ex-wife surnamed Wang as compensation for her housework during their five-year marriage, after splitting their joint property equally. Wang was also awarded custody of their son and 2,000 yuan per month in alimony.




Housework compensation is designed to offer additional protection to spouses who have undertaken more domestic chores -- and sacrificed opportunities to advance their career or education.


For the spouse who works outside, after divorce they can still enjoy the resources, connections and status they've had -- and still earn the same level of income. But for the spouse who has been paying efforts quietly at home, they will have to face the problem of returning to (work). This means that the homemaker has to pay a hidden cost in addition to the efforts they paid during the marriage.




根据《民法典》第一千零八十八条的规定:“夫妻一方因抚育子女、照料老年人、协助另一方工作等负担较多义务的(a spouse who takes more responsibility in raising children, caring for elderly family members or assisting their partner in career development),离婚时有权向另一方请求补偿(seek compensation from their partner),另一方应当给予补偿。具体办法由双方协议;协议不成的,由人民法院判决。


双方婚后共同生活的时间 (how long the couple lived together)

女方在家务劳动中具体付出的情况(how much the woman did for the family)

男方个人的经济收入(the man's income levels)

当地一般的生活水平(the cost of living in the city)




In 2001, housework compensation was added to a revision of China's marriage law with the precondition that it only applied to couples who agreed to separation of property, in which each spouse retains exclusive ownership of property acquired during the marriage.
2001年,“家务劳动补偿” 被写入《婚姻法》修正案,但必须以“夫妻书面约定婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产归各自所有”为前提。

In reality, however, legal experts say few Chinese couples have reached formal agreement to keep their property separate, so it's rare for divorcing spouses to qualify for court-approved housework compensation.



脱贫攻坚战全面胜利 complete victory in the fight against poverty

President Xi Jinping announced on Thursday that China has scored a "complete victory" in its fight against poverty. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said absolute poverty has been eradicated in the world's most populous country. Xi made the announcement while addressing a grand gathering held in Beijing to mark the country's accomplishments in poverty alleviation and honor its model poverty fighters. Over the past eight years, the final 98.99 million impoverished rural residents living under the current poverty line have all been lifted out of poverty. All the 832 impoverished counties and 128,000 impoverished villages have been removed from the poverty list. Since the launch of the reform and opening-up in the late 1970s, 770 million impoverished rural residents have shaken off poverty when calculated in accordance with China's current poverty line. China has contributed more than 70% of global poverty reduction over the same period. With such achievements, China has created another "miracle" that will "go down in history," Xi said.



国家乡村振兴局 National Administration for Rural Revitalization



The National Administration for Rural Revitalization was formally inaugurated at the headquarters of the former State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development in Beijing.


英文报道中的inaugurate通常有三层意思,一表示“就职,举行就职典礼”,具体的用法是,(就职的)人+ be inaugurated 比如:US President Donald Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017.(美国总统特朗普的就职典礼于2017年1月20日举行。)“就职典礼”的名词形式可以直接用inauguration来表示,后面无需加ceremony,因为inauguration本身就包含“典礼”这一层意思,比如:presidential inauguration(总统就职典礼)。

二表示“落成,成立”,用法与第一层意思相同,(成立的)机构+ be inaugurated,比如:A new school was inaugurated in the village.(这个村子里新落成了一所学校。)

三表示“开创,开展”,比如:The coronavirus pandemic has inaugurated a time of chaos and change.(新冠病毒大流行开创了一个混乱与变革的时代。)Pan Am inaugurated the first scheduled international flight.(泛美航空公司开通了第一条国际定期航班线路。)

作为国务院议事协调机构,国务院扶贫开发领导小组(the State Council Leading Group of Poverty Alleviation and Development)成立于1986年5月16日,当时称国务院贫困地区经济开发领导小组,1993年12月28日改用现名。

国家乡村振兴局正式挂牌,既是我国脱贫攻坚战取得全面胜利(complete victory of the fight against poverty)的一个标志,也是全面实施乡村振兴战略(comprehensively promote the rural revitalization strategy),奔向新生活、新奋斗的起点。



文件指出,乡村振兴,产业兴旺(thriving businesses)是重点;生态宜居(pleasant living environment)是关键;乡风文明(social etiquette and civility)是保障;治理有效(effective governance)是基础;生活富裕(prosperity)是根本;摆脱贫困(out of poverty)是前提。


到2020年,乡村振兴取得重要进展(substantial progress in rural vitalization),制度框架和政策体系基本形成(the strategy should have established an institutional framework and policy system);

到2035年,乡村振兴取得决定性进展(decisive progress will be achieved in rural vitalization),农业农村现代化基本实现(basically realize modernization of agriculture and rural areas);

到2050年,乡村全面振兴,农业强、农村美、农民富全面实现(rural areas should have strong agriculture, a beautiful countryside and well-off farmers)。

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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